Final Exam Review - Pre AP Civics

salutary neglect

beneficial ignorance; the relationship between the American colonies and Great Britain prior to the French and Indian War

French and Indian War

war between France and Great Britain that left Britain in debt; led to the end of salutary neglect

Thomas Jefferson

author of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Paine

author of Common Sense

Stamp Tax

the first direct tax on the colonies from Parliament

Articles of Confederation

first government of the US

Shays' Reblellion

the event which led to the Constitution Convention


writers of the Constitution

Constitutional Convention

meeting held to set up a new government

Virginia Plan

plan to create a legislature based on the population of each state

New Jersey Plan

plan to create a legislature based on equal representation by the states

Great Compromise

created a bicameral legislature, where one house is represented by population and the other by representation of the state

3/5 Compromise

counted every 5 slaves as 3 people for representation and tax purposes


supported the Ratification of the Constitution


against the ratification of the Constitution

Bill of Rights

first 10 amendments added to the Constitution; compromise between Federalists and Anti-Federalists

James Madison

Father of the Constitution


to make laws


to enforce or carry out


to offer an explanation; to clarify


formal meeting of representatives for discussion of matter of common interest


the elected head of a republican state

Supreme Court

highest court of the land, created by Constitution, decides if laws are constitutional or not


introduction to the Constitution; outlines the goals of the document

Article IV

Relationships among the States

Article V

The Amending Process

Article VI

National Supremacy

Article VII

Ratification of the Constitution

Elastic Clause/Necessary and Proper Clause

expands the powers of Congress to fulfill listed powers, Article I, Sec 8, Part 18

Full Faith and Credit Clause

states must recognize and respect the laws of other states, Article 4

Supremacy Clause

states that national law is a higher authority than state law when in conflict, Article 6

separation of church and state

principle that the government and religion should be separate, 1st amendment

due process

constitutional procedures that must be followed before the denial of life, liberty and property


right to vote


a formal request

simple majority

half plus one, used to impeach, make laws, and quorum

extraordinary majority

2/3rds or 3/4ths, used to remove a President, override veto, and amend

1st amendment

freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition

4th amendment

no unwarranted search and seizure

5th amendment

protects due process with respect to national government

6th amendment

guarantees a speedy trial, fair jury, and an attorney

9th amendment

implied rights

10th amendment

reserved powers of the states

13th amendment

abolished slavery

14th amendment

defines citizenship and protects due process with respect to states

15th amendment

cannot deny rights because of race

19th amendment

women's right to vote

22nd amendment

2 term limit on President

23rd amendment

gave DC 3 electors

24th amendment

abolished poll tax

26th amendment

right to vote set to age 18


strong states, weak national government


national has power


shared power


to accuse of a crime

Speaker of the House

Paul Ryan, the overall leader of the House of Representatives

Vice President

Joe Biden, President of the Senate

President Pro Tempore

Orrin Hatch, the everyday leader of the Senate


building in Washington DC where Congress meets

franking privilege

right of Congress to send work-related mail without paying postage


dividing a state into odd-shaped districts for political purpose

District of Columbia

site of nation's capitol, located between Maryland and Virginia


a tactic for defeating a bill in the Senate by talking until it is withdrawn

enumerated powers

powers listed in the Constitution

implied powers

powers suggested by Constitution

reserved powers

powers of the states protected by the 10th amendment

balance the ticket

choosing a Vice President in order to broaden the chances of winning

Electoral College

group of people who officially elect the President


an elected official continuing to hold office between the election and the inauguration of a successor

Chief of State

role of President as a ceremonial role with great, symbolic significance

Commander in Chief

role of President as the leader of the armed forces

Chief Diplomat

role of President in recognizing other countries or not

foreign policy

a nation's external goals and how to achieve them

domestic policy

a nation's internal goals and how to achieve them


group of presidential advisors

Secretary of State

John Kerry, the head of the State Department, responsible for foreign affairs

Secretary of Defense

Ashton Carter, the head of the Defense Department

original jurisdiction

the authority to hear a case first

appellate jurisdiction

the authority to hear a case appeals and to reverse lower court decisions

District courts

94, created by Congress with original jurisdiction, deals with districts; lowest federal level

Appeals courts

12, created by Congress to handle appeals, appellate jurisdiction, deals with circuits; middle federal level

judicial review

power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional

Marbury v Madison

established judicial review

Plessy v Ferguson

separate but equal was constitutional

Brown v Board of Education

separate but equal was unconstitutional

Gideon v Wainwright

states provide attorney if needed

Miranda v Arizona

Miranda rights have to be told to the criminal at the time of arrest

Tinker v Des Moines

defined constitutional rights of students in public schools

Engel v Vitale

no school-led prayer in public schools

Roe v Wade

abortion is legal in first three months of pregnancy

Chief Justice

John Roberts, the presiding judge of the Supreme Court, decides which cases to hear


tolerant of change


favors existing state

checks and balances

the powers of each branch to limit the acts of the other 2

separation of powers

political power is divided among the branches of government


more government in economy, less in social


more government in social, less in economy


government by elected representatives


citizens participate directly


process by which non-citizens become citizens