7th Grade Civics Reporting Category 4

absolute monarchy

a form of autocracy where a person becomes the sole leader of a country by being born into a family of rulers


the absence of any form of government


a form of government where one person has unlimited power


a form of government in which a single ruling party owns and controls all production and distribution of goods, and in which no private ownership is allowed


a system of government in which political power resides with the people


a form of autocracy where a military leader becomes the leader of a country often through violent means

direct democracy

a form of government in which the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people rather than through elected representatives


a form of government headed by a king or queen who inherits the position, rules for life, and holds power that can range anywhere between limited to absolute


a form of government in which a small group has total control and power

representative democracy

a system of government in which the people elect representatives to make policies and laws for them, also known as a republic


a system of government in which the people elect representatives to make policies and laws for them, also known as a representative democracy


an economic system in which the government owns the primary means of production


a system of government where power is located with the independent states and there is little power in the central government


a system of government where power is shared between a central government and states


a system of government where power lies with the legislative body and the leader of the country is part of the legislature


the head of state, or leader, in a federal system

prime minister

the head of state in a parliamentary system


a system of government where almost all power is located with the central government


the movement of people from one country to another country


a system of government in which power is divided and shared between national, state, and local government

local government

the governing body of a municipality or county

reserved powers

powers that are not granted to the federal government that belong to (are reserved to) the states and the people, see Tenth Amendment

Supremacy Clause

the clause that states that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and that national laws are supreme over state laws, found in Article VI


a change to the U.S. Constitution


the introduction to a constitution; it states that the people establish the government, and it lists the purposes of the government