Civics Quarter Exam

How often does congress adjust the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives?

Every ten years

Permanent committees that continue their work from session to session are called?

standing committees

The elaastic clause allows congress to?

stretch its powers to meet new needs

Inn impeachment proceedings, the House may _______, but the Seenate must ________.


congress cannot..?

favor one state over another

Congress is considered a bicameral body because?

it has two parts

At term of Congress lasts for?

two years

Why do political parties sometimes gerrymander their districts?

to increase their voting strength

Congress gets its lawmaking powers from..?


The nonlegislative powers of Congress include the power to...?

check other government branches

The seniority system is....?

used by party leaders to make committee assignments

Congress is bicameral because...?

the Framers sought a compromise on the issue of state representation in Congress

Committee staff members deal with?


People seek help from members of congress because?

they want a voice in government

In what order are actions taken on congressional bills?

committee action, floor action, conference action

A congressional override of a presidential veto is?


Congressional bills dealing with people's claims against the government are called?

private bills

part of the lawmaking process is debating...?

bills on the floor of congress

After being introduced on the floor, a bill moves to...?

the appropriate standing committee

A filibuster can be ended by?

three fifths of the senators voting for cloture

What are the requirements, as listed in the constitution, for becoming President of the United States?

35 years old, native born citizen, resident for at least 14 years

The number of electoral votes each state has is equal to the number of ________, plus the number of ___________. Florida has ___ electoral votes.

representatives / senators / 29

A candidate for president must receive ____ electoral votes to become president. If no candidate receives those votes, the ___________ votes on the candidate. This is done with each state getting ____ vote. In the case of a tie, the ______ votes to break

270 / house of rep / 1 / VP

What is the line of succession after the president and vice president?

Speaker of the house, prez pro tempore, sec of state, sec of treasury, sec of defense, attorney general

Who has the power to cast a tie breaking vote in senate?

the vice president

What is the salary of the president?


What is the salary of congress?


The statement in the constitution that says "executive power shall be invested in a president" means that thhe president is responsible for what?

The president's main job is to execute, or carry out, the laws passed by congress

Who has the power to approve or reject presidential nominees?


Presidential appointees to head cabinet departments and other top government offices must be appproved by?


What is a declaration of forgiveness?


The constitution gives the power to declare war to __________. But Congress shares this power with the president, as he has the power to __________.

congress / send troops

The war powers resolution states that...?

The president must notify congress within 48 hours of sending troops into battle

The most direct benefit of having a US foreign policy that promotes democracy around the world is that it helps....?

encourage peace and protect our national security

the united states will send an ambassador to another country only if the government of that country has..?

a legally recognized government

Which of the president's closest political advisors is the most powerful?

Chief of Staff

The press secretary provides?

the public with statements from and news about the president

What is the core of the executive office?

White house office

How often does the cabinet meet with the president?

Anytime the president deems necessary

What is the advisory group that is chosen by the president to help accomplish the work of the executive branch?


What is the federal bureaucracy?

agencies and employees of the executive branch

What is the spoils system?

Government jobs go to poeple as a reward for political support

What is the merit system?

Government officials hire new workers from lists of people who have passed the test or otherwise met civic service standards

How is the federal court system organized?

Supreme Court- 9 judges no jury, US Court of Appeals- 3 judges 12 courts in US, US District Courts- judges and juries

The federal courts have jurisdiction in eight areas. What are those areas?

Constitution, federal laws, disputes between states, citizens from different states, the federal government, foreign governments and treaties, admiralty and maritime laws, US diplomats

All federal cases must begin in ________, because those courts have ___________ (the authority to hear a case for the first time)

district courts / original jurisdiction

What are the three other names for the appeals court?

federal appeals court, circuit court of appeals, and appellate courts

What does it mean when a judge uses a "precedent" to arrive at an opinion?

he looks at preceding cases that are the same and judges with the decisions made in those cases

The district courts are responsible for determining

the facts of a case

The Marbury v. Madison case established?

Judicial review

How can Congress limit (get around) a court ruling?

by passing a new law or changing the law

How does a case come before the supreme court?

If 4 out of the 9 justices agree to hear it

The seperate but equal doctrine was used to justify ___________ for the next 50 years.


When can the supreme court rule on the constitutionality of a law?

at the end of the case

The supreme court primarily hears cases that involve?

constitutional questions that center around the bill of rights

The job of the appeals court is to?

review decisions made in a lower district court

Prior to becoming a supreme court justice, all have been what? And is this a requirement?

Lawyers / no

US attorneys are lawyers who prosecute?

people accused of breaking a federal law

The supreme court is made up of ___ associate justices, and led by _______ chief justice.

8 / 1

The US supreme court's decision in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, overturned a _______ of 'seperate but equal' decision of Plessy v. Ferguson.


What supreme court case demonstrated the limits of the supreme court?

Worcester v. Georgia

The final authority that determines if a law is acceptable under the constitution rests with _______.

the supreme court

An order to delay a person's punishment until a higher court can hear the case is a _______.


Artice III of the constitution provided for the creation of one supreme court and?

such lower courts as congress deemed necessary

The view of the majority of justices on a case is known as the _________.

majority opinion

What is a court calendar called?


What is the detailed explanation of the legal thinking behind a court decision?


The number of votes needed for a majority in supreme court cases?

five out of nine

The opinion that presents the view of justices who disagree with the majority opinion is called the?

dissenting opinion

An opinion written by a justice who agrees with the opinions but for a different reason is known as the?

concurring opinion

List the steps in decision making.

Written arguments, Oral arguments, Conference, Opinion writing, Announcement

The governor is the head of?

the state executive branch

An example of reserved power is the power to?

administer elections

A felony is a

serious crime

After both houses of a state legislature approve a bill, the bill becomes a law after the approval by the


civil cases involving large amounts of money are handled by?

general trial courts

Supervision of all courts in a state is the responsibility of the state's ________.

supreme court

Which section of the US constitution ensures that a legal marriage in one state must be accepted in all other states?

Article IV (four)

Local governments are created by?

state governments

Which group of people typically provides sewer and water services?

county government

What are the duties of a district attorney?

to bring charges against suspected lawbreakers and prosecute cases in court

In which form of city government are legislative and executive powers held by the same person or group?


In Louisiana, counties are called?


Which person or group of people runs New England town government?


A city charter most closely resembles..?

a constitution

The duties of a county board of commissioners include?

passing ordinances

What is an ordinance?

a city law

Which of the following usually occurs when people incorporate a village?

more businesses are attracted to the area

A civil suit concerning a complaint of negligence is most likely to involve?

personal injury

What is a defendant in a civil lawsuit most likely to argue?

that no loss occurred to the plaintiff

Most civil lawsuits are settled before the trial, in order to?

avoid the time and expense of a trial

What may be classified as a felony and a misdemeanor?

drunk driving

What is the correct sequence of events in the beginning of a criminal case?

arrest, hearing, indictment, arraignment

In a criminal case, when do the lawyers for each side present their opening statements?

before any witnesses are called

What is the difference in the court procedure for juvenile trials and adult trials?

juveniles don't have the right to a jury trial

After a juvenile has been found delinquent, for which reason might the charges be dropped and the matter removed from the record?

the juvenile completes probation

One way to end a civil lawsuit before trial is to?

mediate a resolution

What would an attorney's answer to a complaint most likely contain?

reasons that the defendant is not responsible for the injuries claimed

What is one of the claims made by critics of the parole system?

many sentences are much shorter than intended

A decision with a minimum and maximum sentence is called


What is the correct sequence of events in the end of a criminal case?

verdict, sentencing, appeal

In which case would an appeal go directly to the state supreme court?

capital case

Why might a youth be placed in a foster home?

The youth was neglected by caregivers

Who is most likely to have the authority to divert juveniles away from court and into special programs?

police officers who handle juvenile cases

What is a way that the juvenile court system uses to protect juveniles?

keeping juvenile offenders' identities secret