AP Biology - Immune System

Part of body that filters and traps foreign particles and store B & T cells

Lymph Nodes

Stores blood cells and removes antibody coated cells


traps bacteria and antigens

Adenoids (Tonsils)

Stem cells make blood cells; place were B cells mature

Bone Marrow

Produces and "educates" T cells


Type of immune system that is "born with ability," treats all pathogens the same, and is nonspecific?

non specific innate immunity

List the 3 parts of the non specific first line of defense


flat with tight junctions acts as protective barrier


line respiratory tract to sweep out invaders


traps invaders by being sticky, made out of lysosomes


What is the pH of sweat glands?

3-5 acidity. antibacterial

What is the purpose of hydrochloric acid in the stomach?

to kill most germs in food

enzyme in saliva/tears that digests bacterial cell walls


What does the secondary internal defense of the nonspecific immune system consist of?

Leukocytes (Phagocytic cells)

WBC's that engulf and digest invading bacteria


Response that increases blood flow to area to bring more immune cels in response to chemicals in damaged area

Inflammatory response (heat, swollen, fever, red, pain)

Dialates blood vessels making them more leaky. bring more blood to infected area and causes plasma to leak into tissue


Chemical signal that calls up macrophages


Immunity that gains its ability over time

Specific acquired immunity

What cells are associated with humoral immune response

B cells

Response where B cells make antibodies to weaken pathogens and mark them to be killed

Humoral immune response (plasma cells)

What cells are associated with the cell mediated immune response

T cells

What response is important in bacterial infections

Humoral immune response

What response is important in viruses, cancer, and transplants

Cell meditated immune response

cells that recognize protein antigens on surfaces of virus infected cells and release chemicals to destroy them

Killer T cells (Cytotoxic)

chemical released by killer t cells that makes holes in infected cells; water rushes in and cells burst


Cells that activate B cells and Killer T cells

Helper T cells

What releases antibodies

Plasma made by B cells

The idea that the body only makes B cells with specific antibodies at the time the body needs it specifically

clonal selection

What activates helper t cells


Immunity that makes its own antibodies and is longer lasting

Active Immunity

Give an example of active immunity

when body is exposed to pathogens naturally

Give an example of Passive immunity

mother passes antibodies to fetus or thru breast milk

immunity where antibodies come from other sources and don't last forever

passive immunity

what type of immunity
snake bite produces immune response or shock


what type of immunity
