1.6 Cell division

The life cycle of the cell, includes interphase, the four phases of mitosis, and cytokinesis

Cell Cycle

The period of the cell cycle between cell division. Organelles replicate and DNA synthesis happens.


The first phase of mitosis. Chromosomes become visible (DNA coils up) and the centrioles separate to opposite sides of the cell (in animals)


The second phase of mitosis, the chromosomes line up on the spindle, across the center of the cell


The third phase of mitosis, centromeres split, the spindle fibres shorten and chromosomes separate.


The the final stage of mitosis, a nuclear membrane forms around each set of new chromosomes


Cell division in which the nucleus divides into two nuclei containing the same number of chromosomes


The final stage of the mitosis, in which the cell's cytoplasm divides into two new cells.


the number of cells within a microscopic field that are undergoing mitosis; a high mitotic index is usually a more virulent malignancy

Mitotic index

A chemical or physical agent that interacts with DNA and causes a mutation.


A gene whose activity is associated with the conversion of normal cells to cancer cells.


Is the spread of cancer from its primary site to other places in the body


Being lucky in making unexpected and furtunate discoveries


A method of predicting a future event, e.g. response of cancer cells to treatment.

Pronostic tool

The original site of a tumor, where the tumor originated.

Primary tumor

A group of proteins whose function is to regulate the progression of a cell through the cell cycle.
