Topic 9: Plant Science


Surface of the stem made of a number of layers often with a waxy cuticle to reduce waterloss

Cortex Tissue

Forming a cylinder of tissue around the outer edge of the stem; often contains cells with secondary thickening in the cell walls which provides additional

Vascular bundle

Contains xylem, phloem and cambium tissue


A longitudinal set of tubes that conduct water and minerals from the roots upward through the stem to the leaves


Transports sap and products of photosynthesis through the plant tissue in a number of possible directions

Vascular cambium

A type of lateral meristem that forms a vertical cylinder in the stem; produces secondary xylem and phloem


The pith tissue composed of thin walled cells located in the center of the ste,


Waxy layer which reduces water loss through the upper epidermis

Upper epidermis

Flattened layer of cell that forms the surface of the leaf and makes cuticles

Palisade Layer

This is the main photosynthetic region of the leaf

Spongy mesophyll

Contains spaces that allow the movements of gases and water through the leaf tissue

Lower epidermis

Bottom surface layer of tissues which contains the guard cells that form each stoma

Cork cambium

Produces some of the bark layer of a stem


Bending growth towards the unilateral source of light


Class of plant growth hormones; growth regulation factos

Fungal hyphae

Provides minerals such as nitrates

Mass flow

Hypothesis to explain the movement of solute by means of a hydrostatic pressure gradient, not osmotic gradient

Turgor Pressure

Support for plants generated by wall pressures


Loss of water from the leaves and stem of plants


Water moves along a solute concentration gradient


Water moves by cappillarity through the cellulose cell walls


Waxy water repellent substance; prevents water and dissolved minerals from passing into the xylem by the apoplastic pathway


Pores in the lower epidermis

Abscisic acid

Stimulates the stoma to close

Crassulacean acid metabolism

Reduces water loss by opening pores at night but closing them during the day


Moves the organic molecules from their source through the tube system of the phloem to sink

Apical meristem

Occurs at the tips of roots and stems, referred to as primary meristems

Lateral meristems

Allow growth in thickness of plants, referred to as secondary growth

C4 plant

Stomata open during the day but take in carbon dioxide more rapidly than non specialized plants

Active transport membrane pumps

Higher concentration gradient in the plants and to absord the minerals

Proton pumps

The most important active transport protein in the plasma membrane used to transport mineral ions and solutes

Companion cells

Connected to their sieve tube members by plasmodesmata


Protect the developing flower while in the bud


Often are colorful to attract pollinators


Structure of the carpel thst supports the stigma


Base of carpel in which the female sex cells develop


Sticky top of carpel on which pollen lands


Stock of stamen that holds up the anther


Tough protective outer coat


Growth substance (plant growth hormone) That triggers the production of the enzyme amylase


Includes the epicotyl and its two developing leaves


Scar of the opening where the pollen tube entered the ovule


support, rigid secondary walls with hardened areas - lignin


where the ovule was attached to the carpel wall


embryonic root


A way that mineral ions in the soil move to the root

In angiosperms, xylem consists of tracheids and

Vessel Elements

Vascular tissue in plants consist of

Xylem and phloem

To observe mitosis, which of the following should a student examine under a compound microscope?

Apical meristems

The layer of cells that encloses the vascular tissue in the central region of a root is the


The vascular cylinder of a root consist of

Pholem and Xylem

Root pressure

is produced in the vascular cylinder by active transport

One of the three main functions of stems is to

Carry water and nutrients between the roots and the leaves

Many cacti, such as saguaros and barrel cacti, have large stems and no leaves. What functions of leaves is taken on by the stems is to

Photosynthesis and water storage

During primary growth, a stem

Increases the length of the stem

Oxygen and carbon dioxide move in out of a leaf through the


In Figure 23-1, the water pressure in the

guard cells is high

In many plants, stomata are found only on the lower surface of the leaf. The most likely explanation for this fact is that

Water loss would be less on the shaded lower surface than in direct sun

The attraction of water molecules to other kinds of molecules is called


According to the pressure- flow hypothesis, which of the following statements is NOT true?

Movement of water into a nutrient-rich region of the phloem decreases the pressure in the region

Ground tissue is found in a plant's

Roots, stems and leaves

What causes movement of water through the xylem?

Evaporation of water

When a farmer sprays a chemical on to crop plants, how does the chemical travel to the roots of the plants?

Active transport

What is the apoplastic route for water from the soil to the endodermis of the root?

Cell walls of the cortex to the endodermis

Which of the following help(s) in supporting a terrestrial woody plant?

Xylem tissue and Turgor Pressure

Which direction does the phloem transport materials?

Up and down all the time

Which conditions will cause the highest rate of transpiration in a well-watered, mesophytic plant?

Humidity, wind, temp. and light

In most plants, which organs are adapted to capture sunlight for photosynthesis?


If some of the xylem of a young oak tree were destroyed, it would most likely interfere with tree's ability to

Conduct water to the leaves

Vascular tissue in plants consists of

Phloem and xylem

Damage to which area of root shown in Figure 23-1 will prevent the root from growing longer?

Apical Meristem

One of the three main functions of the stem is

Support, transport minerals/water and products of photosynthesis

Unlike roots, stems

May carry out photosynthesis

What might a thin tree ring indicate?

A year of drought

Most of the photosynthesis in plants takes place in the


The stomata of leaves are usually open

Light if a plant has enough water

The attraction of water molecules to other kinds of molecules is called


A seed plant is held in the ground by its


Which letter represents a structure whose tissues lack chlorophyll?


Are stomata in leaf opened or closed?


What is structure F

Vascular Bundle

What two types of tissue make up structure F?

Xylem and Phloem

In angiosperms, pollen grains are produced in


Which of the following is not part of the female structure of a flower


A period of dormancy can allow seeds to germinate

In ideal conditions

The plant embryo in a seed begins to grow again during


Hormones that stimulate cell elongation and are produced in the rapidly growing region near the tip of the plant's root or stem are called


When horizontally positioned plant responds to gravity


The growth of plant seedlings is usually

Phototropic and gravitropic

When a plant responds to changes in the relative lengths of light and darkness, the plant is responding to


A pollen grain landing on a stigma of a flower of the same species produces a

Pollen tube

Letter J indicates the carpel of the flower


Letters D,C, and A point to the female parts of a flower


Letters D, C, B, A point to the structures through which the pollen tube will grown


Letters E and F point to the male parts of a flower



Surface of the stem made of a number of layers often with a waxy cuticle to reduce waterloss

Cortex Tissue

Forming a cylinder of tissue around the outer edge of the stem; often contains cells with secondary thickening in the cell walls which provides additional

Vascular bundle

Contains xylem, phloem and cambium tissue


A longitudinal set of tubes that conduct water and minerals from the roots upward through the stem to the leaves


Transports sap and products of photosynthesis through the plant tissue in a number of possible directions

Vascular cambium

A type of lateral meristem that forms a vertical cylinder in the stem; produces secondary xylem and phloem


The pith tissue composed of thin walled cells located in the center of the ste,


Waxy layer which reduces water loss through the upper epidermis

Upper epidermis

Flattened layer of cell that forms the surface of the leaf and makes cuticles

Palisade Layer

This is the main photosynthetic region of the leaf

Spongy mesophyll

Contains spaces that allow the movements of gases and water through the leaf tissue

Lower epidermis

Bottom surface layer of tissues which contains the guard cells that form each stoma

Cork cambium

Produces some of the bark layer of a stem


Bending growth towards the unilateral source of light


Class of plant growth hormones; growth regulation factos

Fungal hyphae

Provides minerals such as nitrates

Mass flow

Hypothesis to explain the movement of solute by means of a hydrostatic pressure gradient, not osmotic gradient

Turgor Pressure

Support for plants generated by wall pressures


Loss of water from the leaves and stem of plants


Water moves along a solute concentration gradient


Water moves by cappillarity through the cellulose cell walls


Waxy water repellent substance; prevents water and dissolved minerals from passing into the xylem by the apoplastic pathway


Pores in the lower epidermis

Abscisic acid

Stimulates the stoma to close

Crassulacean acid metabolism

Reduces water loss by opening pores at night but closing them during the day


Moves the organic molecules from their source through the tube system of the phloem to sink

Apical meristem

Occurs at the tips of roots and stems, referred to as primary meristems

Lateral meristems

Allow growth in thickness of plants, referred to as secondary growth

C4 plant

Stomata open during the day but take in carbon dioxide more rapidly than non specialized plants

Active transport membrane pumps

Higher concentration gradient in the plants and to absord the minerals

Proton pumps

The most important active transport protein in the plasma membrane used to transport mineral ions and solutes

Companion cells

Connected to their sieve tube members by plasmodesmata


Protect the developing flower while in the bud


Often are colorful to attract pollinators


Structure of the carpel thst supports the stigma


Base of carpel in which the female sex cells develop


Sticky top of carpel on which pollen lands


Stock of stamen that holds up the anther


Tough protective outer coat


Growth substance (plant growth hormone) That triggers the production of the enzyme amylase


Includes the epicotyl and its two developing leaves


Scar of the opening where the pollen tube entered the ovule


support, rigid secondary walls with hardened areas - lignin


where the ovule was attached to the carpel wall


embryonic root


A way that mineral ions in the soil move to the root

In angiosperms, xylem consists of tracheids and

Vessel Elements

Vascular tissue in plants consist of

Xylem and phloem

To observe mitosis, which of the following should a student examine under a compound microscope?

Apical meristems

The layer of cells that encloses the vascular tissue in the central region of a root is the


The vascular cylinder of a root consist of

Pholem and Xylem

Root pressure

is produced in the vascular cylinder by active transport

One of the three main functions of stems is to

Carry water and nutrients between the roots and the leaves

Many cacti, such as saguaros and barrel cacti, have large stems and no leaves. What functions of leaves is taken on by the stems is to

Photosynthesis and water storage

During primary growth, a stem

Increases the length of the stem

Oxygen and carbon dioxide move in out of a leaf through the


In Figure 23-1, the water pressure in the

guard cells is high

In many plants, stomata are found only on the lower surface of the leaf. The most likely explanation for this fact is that

Water loss would be less on the shaded lower surface than in direct sun

The attraction of water molecules to other kinds of molecules is called


According to the pressure- flow hypothesis, which of the following statements is NOT true?

Movement of water into a nutrient-rich region of the phloem decreases the pressure in the region

Ground tissue is found in a plant's

Roots, stems and leaves

What causes movement of water through the xylem?

Evaporation of water

When a farmer sprays a chemical on to crop plants, how does the chemical travel to the roots of the plants?

Active transport

What is the apoplastic route for water from the soil to the endodermis of the root?

Cell walls of the cortex to the endodermis

Which of the following help(s) in supporting a terrestrial woody plant?

Xylem tissue and Turgor Pressure

Which direction does the phloem transport materials?

Up and down all the time

Which conditions will cause the highest rate of transpiration in a well-watered, mesophytic plant?

Humidity, wind, temp. and light

In most plants, which organs are adapted to capture sunlight for photosynthesis?


If some of the xylem of a young oak tree were destroyed, it would most likely interfere with tree's ability to

Conduct water to the leaves

Vascular tissue in plants consists of

Phloem and xylem

Damage to which area of root shown in Figure 23-1 will prevent the root from growing longer?

Apical Meristem

One of the three main functions of the stem is

Support, transport minerals/water and products of photosynthesis

Unlike roots, stems

May carry out photosynthesis

What might a thin tree ring indicate?

A year of drought

Most of the photosynthesis in plants takes place in the


The stomata of leaves are usually open

Light if a plant has enough water

The attraction of water molecules to other kinds of molecules is called


A seed plant is held in the ground by its


Which letter represents a structure whose tissues lack chlorophyll?


Are stomata in leaf opened or closed?


What is structure F

Vascular Bundle

What two types of tissue make up structure F?

Xylem and Phloem

In angiosperms, pollen grains are produced in


Which of the following is not part of the female structure of a flower


A period of dormancy can allow seeds to germinate

In ideal conditions

The plant embryo in a seed begins to grow again during


Hormones that stimulate cell elongation and are produced in the rapidly growing region near the tip of the plant's root or stem are called


When horizontally positioned plant responds to gravity


The growth of plant seedlings is usually

Phototropic and gravitropic

When a plant responds to changes in the relative lengths of light and darkness, the plant is responding to


A pollen grain landing on a stigma of a flower of the same species produces a

Pollen tube

Letter J indicates the carpel of the flower


Letters D,C, and A point to the female parts of a flower


Letters D, C, B, A point to the structures through which the pollen tube will grown


Letters E and F point to the male parts of a flower