IB Biology HL 1 Final

1. What phylum is the jellyfish a part of?


2. What do you call the muscular contractions that push food down the esophagus?


3. What do you call the sum of all chemical reactions in an organism?


4. Name the phylum in which an organism is bilaterally symmetric, has bristles, is segmented, has a mouth and an anus


5. What structures are responsible for absorbing nutrients in the digestive system?


6. What is the name of the process in which prokaryotes go through to divide?

Binary Fission

7. Write down the reaction showing the oxidation of methane.

CH4 + 2O2 >> CO2 + 2H2O

8. What enzyme breaks down starch in the mouth?


9. What is the mixture created in the stomach?


10. What do you call an organism that drives nourishment from decaying organic matter?


11. What is the term used to describe partially decomposed plant material used as fossil fuel?


12. What part of the digestive system stores and secretes bile?

Gall bladder

13. What are building blocks of proteins?

Amino Acids

14. What is the first section of the small intestine?


15. What organ produces and secretes the most enzymes?


16. True or false? Arteries pump deoxygenated blood into the heart.


17. What is it called when the cardiac muscle of the heart contracts spontaneously?

Myogenic muscle contraction

18. The medulla oblongata sends a signal to which nerve when CO2 levels are high?

Cardiac nerve

19. What is the powerhouse of the cell?


20. What do plants need for energy?


21. Translates to "same state." Your body's way of maintaining a constant internal environment.


22. What chamber of the heart receives blood from the lungs via the pulmonary veins?

Left atrium

23. What node starts the impulse of the heart?

Sinoatrial Node (SA Node)

24. What is the process when an impulse skips between the nodes of ranvier?

Saltatory conduction

25. What enzyme catalyzes the first reaction in the carbon fixing reactions in photosynthesis, aka Calvin cycle?


26. What enzyme breaks down proteins in the stomach?


28. How many NADH are produced by the Krebs cycle?


29. What is the overall formula for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6O2 >> 6CO2 + 6H2O (+ ~38 ATP)

30. What hormone maintains the endometrium lining during the menstrual cycle?


31. Name the three principles of the cell theory.

1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells.
2. Cells are the smallest units of life.
3. All cells come from pre-existing cells

32. What process occurs at the ribosomes?

Protein synthesis (translation)

33. Light microscope specimens may be live or dead. True or false?


34. What is the term for smaller molecules being combined into larger molecules?


35. What color of light is the least effective in driving photosynthesis?


36. Which section of the small intestine has villi and microvilli?


37. Do capillaries have valves?


38. What is formed when an organic material is not fully decomposed in waterlogged soil?


39. How much energy is lost between trophic levels?


40. During DNA replication, which enzyme separates the double stranded DNA?

DNA Helicase

41. Polar muscles that are attracted to water are known as what?


42. Why is a virus considered non-living?

They cannot reproduce without a host cell, thus cannot undergo all aspects of life.

43. Give an example of polymorphism.

Peppered moth

44. What is the ability of a surface to reflect light?


45. What is a substance called that's in within the phospholipid bilayer that helps to regulate the fluidity of the membrane?


46. Name the theory used to explain how a single-celled organism could have evolved into a eukaryote.

Endosymbiotic Theory

47. What are the proteins called that DNA coils around called supercoiling?


48. What kind of bonds hold amino acids together in a protein?

Peptide Bonds

49. What does PCR stand for?

Polymerase Chain Reaction

50. When does crossing over occur during meiosis?

Prophase 1

What is the half-life of Carbon?