Cells - Biology 11


Control center of the cell that contains coded directions for the production of proteins and cell division.


The organelle where ribosomes are made, synthesized and partially assembled, located in the nucleus


Organelle that is the site of protein synthesis.
- has large/small sub unit
- made of ribosomal RNA and protein
- unite when bonded creating messenger RNA
- ribosome signals transfer RNA


Small membrane-bound sac that functions in moving products into, out of, and within a cell


A double-membrane organelle with thylakoids containing chlorophyll where photosynthesis takes place.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Structure: A network of interconnected membranes forming channels within the cell.
covered with ribosomes.
Function: Transportation System; Production of proteins by attached ribosomes.

Golgi apparatus

a flattened stack of tubular membranes that modifies proteins and packages them for distribution outside the cell.


a framework for the cell within the cytoplasm

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Structure: A network of interconnected membranes forming channels within the cell.
Function: Transportation System


A membrane bound organelle that makes energy available to the rest of the cell.


A membrane bound vesicle for the temporary storage of materials.
Plant cells: one large
Animal cells: a few small


the fluid within in the cell where the organelles are found; gives cell shape; aids in transportation; protects organelles; and maintains homeostasis (same stable state)


a vesicle that contains digestive enzymes for the breakdown of excess or worn out cellular substances. (Animal Cells ONLY)


organelles that occur in pairs and are important for cell division.


Projections that aid in locomotion and feeding.


hair like structures on the outside of prokaryotic cells used during conjunction for DNA transfer.


Projections from the cell surface that aid in motion and feeding.

Equation for Photosynthesis

6H2O + 6CO2 -> C6H12O6 + 6O2

Equation for Cellular Respiration

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6H2O + 6CO2


within chloroplast; site of light-depentant reactions in photosynthesis; high surface area for reactions; contain pigments


Stack of Thylakoids


site of independent reactions producing glucose


in folds of the inner membrane of mitochondria; high surface area where reactions occur


contains enzymes that breakdown carbohydrates releasing energy so ATP can be made

ATP (Adenosine triphosphate)

storehouse of chemical energy; transports energy to cell by changes in phosphate groups

Main differences between EUKARYOTIC CELLS (plant and animal cells) and PROKARYOTIC CELLS (bacteria cells)

eukaryotic cells: nucleus, membrane bound organelles
prokaryotic cells: DNA stored in a loop in the cells, unicellular, no membrane bound organelles

differences between plant cells and animal cells

Plant cells: contain chloroplasts, cell wall, single large vacuole
Animal Cells: centrioles, lysosomes, smaller few vacuoles

Cell theory

idea that all living things are composed of cells, cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things, and new cells are produced from existing cells

Genetic material

Eukaryotic Cells: DNA within chromosomes within nucleus
Prokaryotic Cells: Large circular chromosome loop

Cell membrane (Animal cell)

- made of phospholipid bilayer
- flexible boundary that controls transport of materials into and out of the cell

Cell membrane (plant cell)

- cell wall outside of plasma membrane
- depending on the type of cell the cell wall may be made up of different materials

Cell Wall

an inflexible barrier that provided support and protects the plant cell. consists of different molecules depending on the organism
- plants: cellulose
- bacteria: peptidolycan
- fungi: chitin

Eukaryotic Cells

- contain nucleus and membrane bound organelles
- nucleus is distinct central organelle containing genetic material
- organelles enable specific cell functions (different things happening in cell at one time)

Prokaryotic Cells

- no nucleus or membrane bound organelles
- genetic material found in loop within cytoplasm
- mostly unicellular

Fungal Cells

- cell walls are chitin
- contain hyphae (projections for reproduction)


- assemble and dissemble within cell to allow the organelle of the cell to move


the process by which a cell surrounds a substance in the outside environment, enclosing the substance in an portion of the plasma membrane


the secretion of materials at the plasma membrane, used to expel wastes

active transport

the movement of materials through a cell membrane using energy


organisms the make there own food


organisms that need to ingest food to obtain energy


use inorganic substances to create energy


use sun to create energy