Bio 102 Unit 3

the innermost layer of the root cortex, which is a selectively permeable barrier that helps control the movement of water and dissolved minerals, is called the


in response to increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, stomata in leaves of some species have ___________.

declined in number

the correct order of structures from outside to inside for a stem that has a vascular cylinder?

epidermis, cortex, stele, pith

the upper angle between a stem and attached leaf is called an


among other functions, the ______ of a vascular plant performs most of the photosynthesis that is conducted by the plant

ground tissue

plant cells called ________ are a type of ground tissue that often develop thick secondary walls that become heavily lignified and are dead when mature


specialized outgrowth of the plant epidermis called ________ are hairlike projections, such as root hair


sieve members are part of the


cells called ________ are a type of vascular tissue that join end to end in tubelike columns. they develop thick, lignified cell walls and die at maturity, leaving a water-conducting tube. at maturity the ends of the cells are open or have large openings,

vessel members

can waterproof cell walls, allowing for structures such as watertight conduction channels?


companion cells are connected via plasmodesmata to

sieve tube members

girdling a tree is eventually lethal because it prevents

sugar transport to roots

plant cells called _______ form flexible support strands such as the "strings" in celery


not typically a main function of stems?

energy capture

what most directly gives rise to primary vascular tissues?


which of the following is NOT typically found in primary plant cell walls?


cells called _______ are a type of vascular tissue long with long, tapered, overlapping ends. they developed thick lignified cells walls and die at maturity, leaving a water conducting tube with pits at the tapered end that allow for lateral water transpo


cork cambium produces

secondary epidermis

which of the following is true of typical plant development?

growing tips and zones are present throughout a plant's life, and plant bodies do not have a fixed final size

when an apical meristem cell divides, one daughter cell is called the initial and the other is called the derivative. what are the fates of these cells?

the initial remains part of the apical meristem, and the derivative is used to form primary meristems

growth from apical meristems, generally resulting in an increase in the length of a plant, is referred to as

primary growth

starting from the outside and moving in toward the center, what is the correct order of tissues in the stem of a young tree?

primary phloem, secondary phloem, secondary xylem, primary xylem

plant cells called ________ make up the bulk of the soft primary growth of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits


if a living plant cell is placed in a beaker w/ pure water, it will take up water until

within the cell ?P = ? ?S

generally the energy for pumping protons outside of a plant cell comes most directly from


the Caparian strip of the endodermis stops water from the __________ before it reaches the stele

apoplastic pathway

consider a living plant cell in a living leaf that is not wilted. the solute potential (psiS) of such a cell ____________ than that in the fluids surrounding the cell

typically lower

water that moves through living cells in a root is following the _____________

transmembrane and symplastic pathways

the simultaneous movement of Na+ out of a cell against its concentration gradient and protons into a cell with their concentration gradient is best described as an example of


stomata open when K+ concentration in guard cells __________, followed by water __________ the guard cells by osmosis

increases, entering

most leaf cells are no more than __________ from a xylem vein

half a millimeter

which of the following generally causes stomata to open

a drop in CO2 concentration in leaf air spaces

Suppose a living plant cell has ?P = 0.4 MPa and ?S = ?0.5 MPa. If the plant cell is placed into a beaker filled with a solution with ? = ?S = ?0.9 MPa, then the cell should

lose water until its ? = ? of the solution

the membrane potential refers to the __________ across a cell membrane

charge difference

A plant cell with a ?P = 0.2 MPa maintains a constant volume when bathed in a solution that has a ?S = ?0.2 MPa and is in an open container. What do you know about the cell?

The cell has a ?S = ?0.4 MPa

the principal driving force for guttation is

root pressure

which plant organelle stores solutes and plays a major role in maintaining turgor pressure


the simultaneous movement of sucrose into a cell against its concentration gradient and protons into a cell with their concentration gradient is best described as an example of


which of the following is NOT transported in phloem


Consider a living plant cell in a living leaf that is not wilted. The pressure potential (?P) of such a cell ____ than that in the fluids surrounding the cell

is typically higher

under which condition would you expect essentially no transpiration to occur

100 percent relative humidity

which of the following should you expect to find for a living plant cell in a living plant?

a cytoplasm that is slightly more negatively charged than the fluid outside the cell

Active transport in plant root cells requires that those cells have access to O2. Normally there is enough O2 available in air pockets in the soil, but flooded soil has very little O2. Thus, unless they have special adaptations, plants in flooded soil eff

wilting of their leaves

What is the ?P of a living plant cell that has ? = ?0.2 MPa and ?S = ?0.4 MPa

?P = 0.2 MPa

most mineral ions that plants need are

moved into the symplast via active transport

suppose you discover a mutant plant that cannot actively transport solutes across the tonoplast. what should you expect?

the plant will wilt easily

the principal driving force for movement of water into and through the plant shoot is


Suppose a living plant cell has ? = ?S = ?0.5 MPa. If the plant cell is placed into a beaker filled with a solution with ? = 0, then the cell should

take up water until within the cell ?P = ? ?S

according to the cohesion-tension mechanism of water transport, cohesion occurs because

water molecules tend to form hydrogen bonds with each other

which of the following DOES NOT have a major effect on the rate of transparation

daily fluctuations in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations

stomata opened when _________ guard cells and they become ____________

active transport pumps H+ out of; turgid

water that moves through nonliving regions of root, such as air spaces in root tissue, is following the

apoplastic pathway

aquaporins are

channel proteins for water

when a plant has a hypersensitive response, production of ________ triggers effects such as the expression of PR proteins

salicylic acid

what type of plant hormone stimulates stomata to close during a drought?

abscisic acid

darwin's experiments on phototropism illustrated that

a translucent cap placed over a shoot tip will cause a plant to both grow and bend toward light

synthetic compounds similar to which type of plant hormone are used to prolong the shelf life of vegetables such as lettuce and mushrooms and to keep cut flowers fresh?


in systemic acquired resistance, the regulatory protein NPR-1 moves from the cytoplasm to the cell nucleus, apparently in response to a buildup of __________ in the cytoplasm

salicylic acid

the synthesis of ____________ is triggered when cells bind systemin


which type of plant hormone is synthesized mainly in root tips and is apparently transported through the plant in xylem sap?


in monoecious species of plants, plants that have separate "male" and "female" flowers both on the same plant, applications of gibberellin

encourage proportionally more "male" flowers to develop

secondary metabolites are termed "secondary" because

they are not synthesized in all plant cells as part of basic metabolism

according to the acid-growth hypothesis, auxin causes increased acidity in cell walls, which then activates ______________ that disrupts bonds between cellulose microfibrils, allowing cell expansion

proteins called expansins

which type of plant hormone is primarily responsible for promoting the formation of lateral roots?


trimming a shrub will make it become more bushy (have more lateral growth) primarily due to a reduction in the amount of _____________


at night, assuming no artificial lights, primarily:

Pfr is converted to Pr

which of the following should prevent a grass seedling shoot from bending toward light?

either removing the shoot tip or placing an opaque cap on the shoot tip

which type of plant hormone appears to play a major role in gravitropism in roots and shoots?


during daylight hours, primarily:

Pr absorbs red light and is converted to Pfr

placing a ripe apple w/ other apples that are not ripe will cause the other apples to ripen sooner. which type of plant hormone is responsible for this effect?


the growth-promoting substance that promotes stem elongation and bending toward light is produced primarily in

the shoot tip

flowering in Arabidopsis appears to require

movement of FT mRNA from leaves to the shoot apex

and agar block filled w/ auxin is placed on top of a shoot that has had the shoot tip removed. the agar block is placed so that it covers only one side of the top of the shoot. what should occur?

the shoot will grow faster on the side w/ the agar block

movement of IAA in a shoot tip is as follows

IAA initially moves laterally from the illuminated to shaded side of the shoot tip

the main stimulus for phototropism is light of __________ wavelengths


the first peptide hormone discovered in plants was ___________, which functions in wound response in the tomato


suppose you are culturing tobacco in a petri dish at a 10:1 ratio of auxin to cytokinin. to promote only shoot development you would

increase the cytokinin ratio

which statement is NOT true about primary plant growth?

only woody plants show primary growth

tophat question: select all the correct choices


transpiration is supported by which critical factors?

(all of the above)
-root pressure
-capillarity action

plant cells selectively pump different ions in and out of the cell in order to maintain and use a difference in electrical charge between the inside and outside of the cell, called a membrane potential. Why is this membrane potential important?

these ion movements are a potential source of energy that can perform cellular work

starting from the ouse and moving in toward the center, which gives the correct order of tissues in the steam of a young tree?

primary phloem, secondary phloem, secondary xylem, primary xlyem

tophat question: which of the following statements is false?

negative water potential draws water into the root hair. cohesion and adhesion draw water up the phloem. transpiration draws water from the leaf

abscisic acid (ABA) is synthesized in the roots in response to decreased soil water potential. ABA then translocates to the leaves, where it rapidly alters the osmotic potential of guard cells. What effect would this have on the stomata and the process of

the stomata would close thereby increasing the rate of transpiration

roots obtain cations through cation exchange, where soil particles absorb _____________ provided directly or indirectly by the root, and thus release cations


experiments have shown that even if it is supplied by no other means, plants near the ocean can get enough of the essential micronutrient __________ from the air, and plants can also get this essential micronutrient from sweat from a persons hands


most plants would grow best in which of the following situations

a soil with various sizes of air spaces

you might infer from packages of commercial fertilizer that which of the following nutrients are most limiting to plant growth?

nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium

the enzyme nitrogenase is most directly involved in the process called

nitrogen fixation

areas that receive heavy rainfall tend to have __________ soils, and arid regions tend to have __________ soils

acidic; alkaline

which of the following statements about essential elements is FALSE?

an essential element may occasionally be functionally replaced by another element

animals trapped and digested by "carnivorous" plants such as the cobra lily are used primarily as

a nutrient supplement in nutrient-deficient environments

plants cannot enable and prove access to particular nutrients by

releasing carbon dioxide into the soil

a common consequence of nutrient deficiencies in plants is chlorosis, which is

yellowing of plant tissues due to a lack of chlorophyll

plants can generally absorb and make use of nitrogen in the form of

both NO3- and NH4+

the process of producing NH4+ from decaying organic material is called


the surfaces of clay particles in soil

often bear negatively charged ions

mycorrhizae are

symbiotic associations between a fungus and plant roots

inside root cells, __________ is converted to ____________, which is then rapidly used to synthesize organic molecules

NO3-; NH4+

which of the following is most important for retaining water in soil for use by plants?


which of the following would you expect to happen if nitrifying bacteria were not present in a soil?

plants would take up nitrogen for their use mainly as NH4+

leghemoglobin, which contains an iron-containing heme group, is used to

deliver O2 to bacteroids

Studies of a soybean plant (Glycine max) and the bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum have shown that the tip of a root hair curls toward the bacterium in response to

nod gene products produced by the bacterium

which of the following elements is considered an essential macronutrient for plants


the soils in which most plants do best are


phytoremediation is

the use of plants to remove pollutants from the environment

which of the following elements is considered an essential micronutrient for plants


hydroponic culture is the process of

growing plants in pure water mixed with carefully measured amounts of specific minerals

when tropical forests are cut for agriculture, they often do not produce highly productive crop growth. what is probably limiting the growth of a crop in the tropical forest?

soil nutrients

along with the egg, in the part of an embryo sac next to the micropyle you should find


in flowering plants:

the gametophytes are smaller than the sporophytes and do not nourish themselves

the micropyle is

a small opening at one end of an ovule

which of the following occurs for the production of a pollen grain from a microspore mother cell?

meiosis, then mitosis

once a pollen tube lands on a compatible stigma:

chemical cues guide the pollen tube from the stigma to the embryo sav of an ovule

studies have shown that in the flowering plant Arabidopsis the development of parts of a flower is governed by

the expression patterns of several floral organ homeotic genes

a flower must have one or more _____________ to be able to make seeds


unlike in animal meiosis, meiosis in plants gives rise to

haploid spores

after fertilization in flowering plants, an embryo in a seed

is always a sporophyte

in flowering plants an ovary is part of a(n)


the female gametophyte in flowering plants is the

embryo sac

many fully differentiated plant cells are totipotent, meaning that they

have the potential to form a whole, fully-funtional plant

in a flower, an anther is typically at the tip of a(n)


in flowering plants how many sperm cells are typically produced from each microspore mother cell?


for a typical flowering plant, the first cell of the triploid (3n) endosperm is formed from

one sperm fused with the central cell

a plant species where each plant can only make either male or female flowers is called a __________ species and always has ___________ flowers

dioecious; imperfect

in flowering plants how many egg cells are typically produced from each megaspore mother cell?


in seeds, the shift from active metabolism to dormancy, and then reactivation and germination is based on levels of

abscisic acid

the innermost whorl of a flower typically consists of one or more


a flower with petals, sepals, and one carpel but not stamens is

imperfect and incomplete

a fruit develops from several ovaries in a single flower, such as a raspberry, is called a(n)

aggregate fruit

the female reproductive whorl of a flower typically consists of one or more


the process of asexual reproduction where a diploid embryo develops from an unfertilized egg or from diploid cells in ovule tissue is called


which of the following is the most typical order of events in seed germination?

water imbibtion-seed coat splits-root cells divide and elongate-shoot cells divide and elongate

the embryonic root, which is where the pollen tube enters the ovule prior to fertilization is called the


meiosis in flowering plants gives rise to cells that are

haploid gametophytes

when pollen from one species lands on the stigma of a flower from another species

the pollen tube typically does not develop

You propose an experiment where root hairs are continuously treated with an antibiotic while nutrient levels in the plant tissue are monitored. Based on your knowledge of root hairs, you hypothesize the plant will experience a deficiency in what nutrient?


why is it beneficial to plants that soil particles have negatively-charged surfaces?

they attract positively-charged ions and prevent them from being washed deep into the soil

Indicate if the following sentence is true (T) or false (F): If a bacterium containing a mutation in the avirulence gene lands on a plant that has the corresponding R gene, the bacterium may not initiate rapid cell death in the plant.


which of the following events would NOT be expected occur during a strong el nino year?

upwelling of cold water along the west coast of the Americas

an increase in air temperature will result in _____________ water vapor in the atmosphere because warm air holds ____________ water vapor than cold air does.

more; more

coastal regions where seawater mixes with fresh water from rivers, streams, and runoff are called __________.


according to researchers Parmesan and Yohe, how are living systems responding to anthropogenic global warming?

some species are moving northward and others are not, so communities are being disrupted

temperate deciduous forest generally has _______ precipitation and __________ temperature than boreal forest

the same; higher

___________ occur where winter drought reduces photosynthesis and most trees drop their leaves

tropical deciduous forests

identify the trait that is NOT characteristic of the antifreeze protein of polar-dwelling fish

beta pleated sheet structure

a biome is most specifically defined as

a vegetation type plus its associated microorganisms, fungi, and animals

the biologist Donald Perry discovered that rainforest birds interact in what way with the Norantea sessilis vine?

birds that feed on the nectar of the flowers inadvertently transfer pollen from one vine to another on their feet

Most of the following events are characteristic of a la nina weather pattern; select the exception

wet weather on the west coast of the U.S.

some studies suggest that, as global warming progresses, tropical lowland trees may be limited in their ability to move northward because of _________

predicted desertification of temperate areas

most of the following homeostatic responses of animals are obligate; select the exception

basking in the sun

The addition of excess phosphorous causes lakes to become eutrophic because the nutrients trigger blooms of photosynthetic cyanobacteria. Why do these blooms cause low oxygen levels in lakes?

cyanobacteria are net producers of oxygen while alive, but when they die aerobic bacteria use oxygen while decomposing them

which of the following do virtually all scientists agree is occuring

the Earth's atmosphere and oceans are getting steadily warmer

which of the following weather patterns would be characteristic of a la nina event

warm and dry weather in the southern US.

the transformation of humans from hunter-gatherer societies to agriculturally based ones occurred approximately

11000 years ago

a species with a relatively constant rate of mortality in all age classes would most likely exhibit which survivorship curve?

type II

population growth of rabbits in Australia can best be described as


in the logistic model of population growth, what is expected to happen to r when N=K?


the intrinsic rate of increase is _________ for bacteria, protists, and animals with short generation time and ___________ for those with long generation time

high; low

a population of mostly _________ individuals with a __________ generation time and _________ proportion of females is expected to show the most growth in the future

prereproductive; short; high

recent studies have demonstrated evolution in populations over a span of time as short as ____________

single years

the method(s) used to study the reproductive behavior of armadillos included which of the following?

statistical techniques and polymerase chain reaction

a human population living without medical care in a developing country would probably have ___________

a pyramid-shaped age structure diagram

lizards can control spider populations on caribbean islands by which density dependent mechanism(s)?

predation and copetition

all of the following choices are descriptive of a population experiencing exponential population growth except __________

resources are limited

life history patterns of guppies in trinidad are a result of which natural selection force?

predation differences in different steams

what was the long-term effect of the introduction of myxoma virus to control rabbits in australia?

the virus became less virulent and the rabbits gained some immunity

in which of the following species would the number of males LEAST affect the rate of population growth?

northern elephant seals

which of the following characteristics would NOT have evolved with the others in the life history strategy of a single species?

low chance of survival in adulthood

investigators using molecular techniques determined that the rapid spread of armadillos into the southern US was due to ______________

unexplained reasons

most of the following factors are intrinsic controls to population growth; select the exception

increased population

a stage 3 society, based on the demographic transition model, would be characterized by all of the following except

an r value approaching 1

a human population with an age structure diagram that is narrower at the base than at the top would have _____________


marine biologists tagged and released 50 marlin. later, fishermen caught 200 marlin, 15 of which had tags. what is the estimate for the number of marlin in the population?


A population of 100 animals in logarithmic growth has rmax = 0.4 and K = 102. Using the fact that r = rmax(K ? N)/K, calculate the value of r.


the beginning of the industrial and scientific revolution occurred ___________.

when human population size was approximately 1 billion

what conclusion can be drawn from Gause's experiments on interspecific competition in Paramecium?

when two populations of Paramecium use the same limiting resource, they cannot coexist long term

the intermediate disturbance hypothesis posits which of the following?

species richness is greatest in communities that experience frequent moderate distrubances

the relationship between species richness and recovery from natural disturbances can best be summarized as follows:

communities with more diversity recover more rapidly from natural disturbances

a milkweed plant discourages consumption by herbivores by

exuding a toxic sap

succession results from all of the following EXCEPT ____________


high species richness in the tropics is probably a result of all of the following except ____________


An example from the text contrasts two forests, each with 10 species and a total of 50 trees. The first forest has 39 of the 50 trees representing the dominant species. The second forest has 2 of each of the 10 different species. What conclusion can be dr

the second forest is more diverse than the second

what is/are the factor(s) involved in the optimal foraging theory?

energy needed to capture food and energy that food provides

which statement best summarizes the connection between islands and species richness?

the factors influencing species richness on an island are distance from the mainland and island size

which of the following pairs is NOT a mutualism?

ant-yucca plant

an example of commensalism involves which two organisms?

cattle egrets and cattle

which hypothesis states that new species are prevented from entering a community by the exiting species?

inhibition hypothesis

which of the following is NOT a bias that could be encountered when investigating the role of competition in a community?

the assumption that evolution never occurs

what conclusion can be drawn regarding a community in which many species are involved in a food web?

it is more stable since organisms have more than a single food source

an example of an obligatory mutualism involves which two organisms?

acacia trees and ant colonies

the monarch butterfly has an undesirable taste and the Viceroy butterfly has a selective advantage because it looks like the Monarch. This is an example of which process?

Batesian mimicry

which statement is true about the effect of stress on a population?

plants compete more in an ideal environment

which of the following statements is correct?

allopatric populations look the same and use the same resources

how can predators influence the species richness and structure of communities?

reducing the population sizes of their prey

in the experiment involving bluegill sunfish and the choice of diet, when equal numbers of small, medium, and large Daphnia are present:

the sunfish prefer large Daphnia

a panda bear who consumes a diet primarily of eucalyptus leaves would be considered a

specialist and a herbivore

in a study examining the growth of coral in a portion of the Great Barrier Reef, which conclusion concerning alterations in the coral colonies is the most accurate?

changes in the colony are due to both external and internal factors

colonizatiodsn rates from one habitat patch to another are _______ and extinction rates within habitats patches are _________ in contiguous habitats than on islan

higher; lower

the largest reservoir of carbon is


the length of day is __________ apt to change and the sunlight is ________ the equator

less; strongest

name the process that takes place in nodules located on legumes

nitrogen fixation

ecologists use compartment models to

describe nutrient cycling

ocean acidification is being caused by

transfer of carbon dioxide from atmosphere to ocean

humans have disrupted the nitrogen cycle primarily by

using nitrogen-containing fertilizers

which forms of nitrogen are readily usable by plants?

NH4+ and NO3-

which of these following marine ecosystems has the highest mean net primary productivity?

kelp beds and reefs

the Hubbard Brook Watershed project measured all of the following EXCEPT

amount of energy used by consumers

biological magnification is best described as:

the concentration of nondegradable poisons within organisms at higher trophic levels

endothermic animals use the majority of their energy to

stay warm

a small decrease in pH was shown to have a significant effect on

genes involved in building mineralized skeletons in sea urchin larvae

the main natural source of phosphorus is

Earth's crust

all of the following would help to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere EXCEPT

reducing water usage

nitrogen is made available to plants for their use by the process(es) of

ammonification, nitrification, and nitrogen fixation

the overall ecological efficiency of most organisms is between

5 and 20 percent

int he hydrologic cycle, water moves from the land to the air by _________ and returns to the land via _________.

transpiration and evaporation; precipitation

respiration would affect a compartment model by

moving both carbon and oxygen from the available organic compartment to the available inorganic component

what is the main cause of carbon dioxide build up in the atmosphere?

burning fossil fuels

which of the following carbon reservoirs contains the most carbon?


tropical climates are warmer than temperate climates because

tropical climates receive the sun's rays at an almost perpendicular angle; since Earth is a sphere, the temperate climates receive the sun's rays at a much steeper incidence thus spreading the radiation over a broader area

some flowers have distinctive patterns that only reflect ultraviolet light and therefore are invisible to humans; which statement about such markings is NOT correct?

the ultraviolet patterns repel birds and bats from the flowers

if a pollen grain generates only one sperm cell instead of two, then after pollination

the seeds would lack either embryos or endosperm, and is nonviable

The worldwide intrinsic rate of human population growth (r) is currently 1.3%. In the United States, r = 0.6%. How will the U.S. population change relative to the world population?

both the world and the U.S. populations will grow, but the world population will grow more rapidly

Which one of the following expressions from the logistic equation: dN/dt = rN ((K - N)/K) represents the FRACTION of unused resources remaining for use by the population?


atlantic cod evolved to mature at a younger age and smaller size due to ______________

overexploitation by fishermen

what were the results of the experiment by Damschen and her colleagues?

over time, the number of native species harbored by habitat patches with landscape corridors was increasingly greater than in isolated habitat patches

in 2002, habitat patches that were connected by corridors had ___________

six more species than isolated habitat patches had

the greatest rate of extinction of all time is/was probably caused by ___________

human activity

the Ngorongoro Conservation Area is an example of __________

mixed use conservation, with some human residents and livestock grazing

conservation biology is a _____________

young science

the genes of a teosinte, a wild relative of corn, were used in crossbreeding with domestic corn in an attempt to produce a _________ variety


the administration of the drug diclofenac to livestock inadvertently poisoned ________ and led to an increase in the disease ___________.

vultures; rabies

which of the following account for 20% of the greenhouse gases recorded annually?

deforestation of moist tropical forests

how does habitat fragmentation affect biodiversity?

habitat fragmentation is a threat to biodiversity because small habitat patches sustain only small populations

what is the significance of genetic variation?

it is the raw material for adaptation, speciation, and evolution; and it is the most fundamental level of biological organization

what molecule from coal-burning power plants dissolves in water vapor in the air and falls as acid precipitation?

sulfur dioxide

sea otter populations were reduced by overhunting, allowing an overgrowth of one of their prey animals, the _____________, which consumed populations of ____________ and decimated them

sea urchin; kelp

which of the following data were used in the population viability analysis conducted for the yellow-bellied glider?

litter sizes, sex ratios, life span home ranges, survival probabilities, and age distributions

the logical conclusion that can be drawn from Wilcove's experimental data in the graph is that _________

songbird nests in forest fragments are more likely to be found by predators than those in intact tracts of forest

which of the following benefits from biodiversity would be categorized as an ecosystem service?

decomposition of wastes

why have so few primates gone extinct compared to other groups, for example, mussels or birds?

they are among the most closely monitored and protected species

which of the following environments would be most likely to harbor a biodiversity hotspot?

tropical island

Wilcove's experimental design included:

three forest types, multiple nests per forest type and height from ground

conservation biologists conduct a population viability analysis to determine _________

how large a population must be to ensure its long-term survival

scientists at the Natural History Museum in London estimate that more than _______ percent of living species have not yet been discovered


most of the following species are invasive exotics except

atlantic cod

when subtropical forest is cleared, what biome is most likely to replace it?

desert with poor eroded soil