Lungs and Alveoli

Windpipe; tube with cartilage rings that carries air from the mouth / nose to the bronchi.


Two short branches at the end of the trachea, carry air into the lungs.


Small tubes that branch off the bronchi and carry air to the alveoli.


Small sacs with thin walls and a dense network of capillaries. Together make a large surface area.


Bones which form the ribcage and protect the lungs and help ventilation.


Large flat muscle at the bottom of the rib cage that helps ventilation.


Covers the surface of alveoli and helps gas exchange.

Film of moisture

The movement of air into and out of the lungs.


The diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the walls of the alveoli.

Gas Exchange

The controlled release of energy from glucose; to make ATP in cells.

Cell Respiration

A chemical made by type II pneumocytes from phospholipid which reduce surface tension and so prevent the collapse of alveoli.


Covers the surface of alveoli and help gas exchange.

Film of moisture

They surround the alveoli and carry blood which transports oxygen and carbon dioxide. This helps to maintain the concentration gradients.

Network of capillaries

Thin "squamous" cells which form the surface for gas exchange.

Type I pneumocyte

Cuboid shaped cells which make surfactant and can divide to replace type I pneumocytes.

Type II pneumocyte