Prentice Hall Biology Chapter 24 - Reproduction of Seed Plants

*What are the reproductive structures of gymnosperms? (24)

reproduction in gymnosperm takes place in cones, which are produced by a mature sporophyte plant.

*Describe the flower and how it is inolved in reproduction? (24)

Flowers are reproductive organs that are composed of four kinds of specialized leaves: sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels.

*Are angiosperm typically wind pollinated or animal pollinated? (24)

Most gymnosperm and some angiosperms are wind polinated, whereas most angiosperms are pollinated by animals.

pollen cones (24)

called male cones; prouces male gametophytes

seed cones (24)

produce female gametophytes and are much larger than pollen cones

ovules (24)

where female gametophytes develop.

pollen tube (24)

contains two haploid sperm nuclei.

sepals (24)

in which many plants are green and resemble ordinary leaves.

petals (24)

often brightly colored are found just inside the sepals

stamen (24)

together anther and filament make this up.

filament (24)

a long thin stalk that supports an anther

anther (24)

an oval sac where meiosis takes place, producing haploid male gametophytes.

carpels (24)

intermost floral parts, also called pistils, which produce the female gametophytes.

ovary (24)

contains one or more ovules where female gametophytes are produced.

style (24)

The diameter of the carpel narrows into a stalk called the style.

stigma (24)

pollen frequently lands, at the top of the style is this sticky portion.

embryo sac (24)

eight nuclei and the surrounding membrane.

endosperm (24)

a food rich tissue, which nourishes the seedling as it grows.

double fertilization (24)

because two fertilizations take place between the male and female gametophytes.

dormancy (24)

the seed is alive, but not growing

germination (24)

the early growth stage of the plant embryo..

*Why is it adaptive for some seeds to remain dormant before they germinate? (24)

Enironmental factors such as temperature and moisture can cause a seed to end dormancy and germinate.

*Compare the typical structure of seeds that are dispersed by animals to those dispersed by wind and water. (24)

Seeds dispersed by animals are typically contained in fleshy nutritious fruits. Seeds dispersed by wind or water are typically lightweight, allowing them to be carried in the air or to float on the surface of the water.

*Describe what happens as fertilized angiosperm seeds mature. (24)

as angiosperm seeds mature, the ovary walls thicken to form a fruit encloses the developing seeds.

Two structures specialized for reproduction in seed plants are? (24)

cones and flowers

What is not true of reproduction in a pine tree? (24)

The pollen tube contains two diploid sperm

In angiosperms, the structures that produce the male gametophyte are called the (24)


The outermost circle of flower parts consist of? (24)


Pollination occurs when pollen lands on the (24)


The thickened ovary wall of a plant may join with other parts of the flower stem to become the (24)


The seed leaves of a flowering plant are known as (24)


In seed plants, the structure that encloses the male gametophyte and transports it to another (24)

pollen grain

The period during which the embryo ia alive but not growing is (24)


*What is a carpel? Where is it located in a typical flower? (24)

a carpel produces the female gametophyte and is in the innermost part of the flower. It has a brood base that contains an ovary. The diameter narrows into a stalk that is called the style, and on top of the style is the stigma.

*Describe at least two ways in which pollen is transferred from one plant to another. (24)

Pollen can be transformed from one plant to another through wind, insects, birds or bats.

*What is the function of endosperm? (24)

The function of endosperm is to provide stored food supply in the angiosperms seeds to nourish an embryo.

Calyx are? (24)

Sepals- Protect the flower bud

Corolla are? (24)

Petals- attract pollinators

Androecium (Male) are? (24)

Stamen- anther filament

Gymnoecium (Female) are? (24)

pistil or carpel, stigma style , and ovary

Target Cells (24)

cells which are affected by the hormone released

receptors (24)

proteins sites found on cells to which hormones bind

auxins (24)

hormones which stimulate new root growth produced in apical meristem

cytokinesis (24)

hormone produced in growing roots and developing seeds and fruits

gibberellins (24)

stimulate growth initiate germination in seeds

abscisic acid (24)

work opposite gibberellins inhibits cell division

phototropism (24)

plant growth toward light

gravitropism (24)

plant response toward gravity

thigmotropism (24)

plant response to touch