Chapter 22 Study Set


The process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of the digestive system into the blood


A broad range of nevertheless related qualities or ideas, esp. those that overlap to create a continuous series (as in a color spectrum, where each color blends into the next in a continuous way)

blue shift

the displacement of the spectrum to shorter wavelengths in the light coming from distant celestial objects moving toward the observer.

celestial sphere

An imaginary sphere surrounding Earth to which the stars are attached


a group of stars that appear to form a pattern in the sky


The outer layer of the sun's atmosphere.

cresent moon

when the moon is less than 1/2 full

Doppler effect

An observed change in the frequency of a wave when the source or observer is moving

emission spectrum

a spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by a source.


A lens that magnifies the image formed by the objective.

full moon

moon phase when the entire side facing Earth is illuminated.


A model of the universe in which Earth is at the center of the revolving planets and stars.

gibbous moon

when the size of the illuminated portion of the moon is greater than half but not a full moon,
lasts about 6 days can be almost all white or just a little more than 1/2 white


Based on the belief that the sun is the center of the universe


The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion

light pollution

human-made light that hinders astronomical observations

lunar eclipse

the blocking of sunlight to the moon that occurs when Earth is directly between the sun and the moon

New Moon

Moon phase that occurs when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun, at which point the Moon cannot be seen because its lighted half is facing the Sun and its dark side faces Earth.

objective lens

The lens on a light microscope that is closest to the stage.


the apparent change in position of an object when seen from different places


The part of a shadow surrounding the darkest part


A large body in space that orbits a star and does not produce light of its own

red shift

(astronomy) a shift in the spectra of distant galaxies toward longer wavelengths

reflecting telescope

A telescope that uses a curved mirror to collect and focus light

refracting telescope

A telescope that uses convex lenses to gather and focus light



retrograde motion

the apparent westward motion of the planets with respect to the stars


The movement of an object around another object


The spinning of Earth on its axis

Solar Eclipse

Moon passes directly between the sun and the Earth.


an ordered array of colors.


The darkest part of a shadow


becoming less bright, intense, or strong