Chem Unit 3 Test

What is the main difference between Bohr and Rutherford's model?

Rutherford- did not explain chemical behavior because it did not describe the e- well enough.
Bohr- said electrons exist only in fixed energy levels (orbits) outside the nucleus.

Lower energy levels are ____________ to the nucleus


energy gaps btwn levels get smaller as you _____________ from the nucleus

move away

Energy levels are quantized. What does that mean?

quantized means the energy required to move e- from one level to the next.

Why are quantized energy levels parallel to steps?

because just as energy levels rise as you move away from the nucleus in Bohr's model, our energy levels rise as we are walking up the steps of a stadium, away from the field.

E1 is in the ground state. In order for it to enter an __________________ it must ________________ the quantized energy present in the ____________________. On the contrary, if the electron wants to go back into the ground state, it must ______________ en

excited state, absorb, energy gaps, emit

As the wavelength of a wave increases, its frequency __________________.


As frequency of a wave increases, its energy ______________

also increases

How is the speed of a wavelength measured?

wavelength x frequency

What is the color order from longest wavelength to lowest wavelength?


What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

the complete range of electromagnetic waves placed in order of increasing frequency

Where does visible light fall in the electromagnetic spectrum?

in the middle between infrared radiation (IR) and ultraviolet radiation (UV).

What is the atomic emission spectrum?

the pattern of lines formed when light passes through a prism to separate it into the difference frequencies of light it contains.

What happens when an electron absorbs/emits energy?

1) when an electron absorbs energy, it becomes excited and moves to a higher energy level.
2) when an electron emits energy, it relaxes back into the ground state, often as light.

What do lines within the AES correspond to?

the energy gaps

What are the circular orbits of Bohr's model replaced by?

electron clouds (orbitals)

What did Bohr's model mainly work for?

explaining Hydrogen

Who was responsible for the Quantum Mechanic Model?

Schroedinger (he kept Bohr's energy levels)

What are the Principle energy levels?

same as bohr's, "floor of building

What are the sublevels (rooms), their shapes, and how many orbitals do they contain?

s: 1 orbital, sperical shape, (2 e-)
p: 3 orbitals, bow tie shape, (6 e-)
d: 5 orbitals, cloverleaf shape, (10 e-)
f: 7 orbitals, complicated shape!, (14 e-)
orbitals contain a maximum of 2 electrons

What is the difference between Orbital Filling Diagrams and Electron Configurations?

1) Orbital Filling Diagrams have lines/boxes + arrows
2) Electron Configuration is a list of sublevels with superscripts

What is the Aufbau Principle?

lower energy levels must be filled completely before e- are added to higher energy levels

What is the Pauli Principle?

the e- in an orbital must have opposite spin directions

What is Hund's Rule?

when adding e- to orbitals of equal energy (some sublevel) each orbital must be 1/2 filled before any is completely filled