Roll Call WORDS w/ Images

J'�tais � l'infirmerie.

I was at the infirmary.

J'�tais de corv�e � la cantine.

I was at lunch duty.

J'�tais � la fontaine.

I was at the water fountain.

J'�tais � mon casier.

I was at my locker.

J'�tais aux toilettes.

I was in the restroom.

J'�tais chez l'orthodontiste.

I was at the orthodontist.

J'�tais chez le dentiste.

I was at the dentist.

J'�tais chez le docteur.

I was at the doctor.

J'�tais au bureau de la directrice.

I was in the female principal's office.

J'�tais au bureau du directeur.

I was in the male principal's office.

Je me suis tromp�(e) de classe.

I went to the wrong class.

Mme Hartong nous a l�ch�s en retard.

Mrs. Hartong let us out late.

Mlle Crites nous a l�ch�s en retard.

Miss Crites let us out late.

M Fleming nous a l�ch�s en retard.

Mr. Fleming let us out late.