1.2 - Getting to know others

Comment vous appelez-vous?

What is your name? (formal/plural)

Comment t'appelles-tu?

What is your name? (informal/singular)

Je m'appelle...

My name is...

�a s'�crit comment?

How is that spelled?

Quel �ge as-tu?

How old are you?

J'ai ... ans.

I am ... years old.

C'est quand ton anniversaire?

When is your birthday?

Mon anniversaire c'est le...

My birthday is on...

Mon anniversaire c'est le quatorze juillet.

My birthday is July fourteenth.

O� habites-tu?

Where do you live?

J'habite � Charlotte.

I live in Charlotte.

J'habite � Paris.

I live in Paris.

J'habite aux �tats-Unis.

I live in the United States.

J'habite en France.

I live in France.

J'habite au Canada.

I live in Canada

Quel �ge a-t-il?

How old is he?

Il a...ans.

He is...years old.

Quel �ge a-t-elle?

How old is she?

Elle a ... ans.

She is ... years old.


Nice to meet you.

Je suis ravi(e).

Nice to meet you.

Avec plaisir.

Nice to meet you.

Comment s'appelle-t-il?

What is his name?

Il s'appelle Paul.

His name is Paul.

Comment s'appelle-t-elle?

What is her name?

Elle s'appelle Julie.

Her name is Julie.

O� habite-t-il?

Where does he live?

Il habite � Charlotte.

He lives in Charlotte.

O� habite-t-elle?

Where does she live?

Elle habite � Nantes.

She live in Nantes.

C'est quand son anniversaire?

When is his/her birthday?

Son anniversaire c'est le premier avril.

His/her birthday is the 1st of April.

Comment est-il?

What is he like?

Il est intelligent et sportif.

He is intelligent and athletic.

Comment est-elle?

What is she like?

Elle est intelligente et sportive.

She is intelligent and athletic.

Comment es-tu?

What are you like?

Je suis...

I am...