Les expressions nourriture 11/20

J'ai faim.

I'm hungry.
I am hungry.

Je voudrais un sandwich.

I would like a sandwich.

Je veux une salade.

I want a salad.

Donne-moi une glace.

Give me (informal) an ice cream.

Donnez-moi un hamburger.

Give me (formal) a hamburger.

Est-ce que tu as faim?

Are you hungry?
(Is it that) you are hungry?

Qu'est ce que tu veux?

What do you want?
What (is it that) you want?

Qu'est-ce que tu voudrais?

What would you like?
What is it that you would like?

s'il te pla�t

please (informal - for peers/your friends)

s'il vous pla�t

please (formal - for an adult or a stranger)

Est-ce que tu veux une pizza?

Do you want a pizza?
(Is it that) you want a pizza?

Est-ce que tu veux des frites?

Do you want some fries?
(Is it that) you want some fries?

Je voudrais un steak-frites.

I would like a steak and fries.

Tu veux un steak.

You want a steak.

Tu voudrais un hot dog.

You would like a hot dog.

Donne-moi un croissant.

Give me (informal) a croissant.

Donnez-moi une omelette.

Give me (formal) an omelet.

Je voudrais une cr�pe.

I would like a pancake.