Bien dit 1 - Chapitre 5, partie 2

la campagne

the countryside

� la campagne

in the countryside / to the countryside

le club

sports club

au club

at the (sports complex) club / to the sports club

le cybercaf�

cybercaf� / internet caf�

le lac


au lac

at the lake / to the lake

la mer

the sea

� la mer

at the sea / at the seaside / to the sea

la montagne


� la montagne

at the mountainside / in the mountains / to the mountains

le mus�e


au mus�e

at the museum / to the museum


the opera / opera house

� l'op�ra

at the opera / to the opera

la patinoire

ice skating rink

� la patinoire

at the ice skating rink / to the ice skating rink

la plage

the beach

� la plage

at the beach / to the beach

le th��tre

the theater

au th��tre

at the theater / to the theater

le zoo

the zoo

au zoo

at the zoo / to the zoo

Quel temps fait-il?

What's the weather like?

Il fait beau.

The weather is nice. / It is nice out.

Il fait chaud.

It's hot.

Il fait froid.

It's cold.

Il fait mauvais.

The weather is bad. / It's bad out.

Il neige.

It's snowing.

Il y a des nuages.

It's cloudy. (Literally: There are clouds.)

Il fait nuageux.

It's cloudy.

Il pleut.

It's raining.

Il y a du vent.

It's windy. (Literally: There is wind)

Il fait du vent.

It's windy.

Il y a du soleil.

It's sunny. (Literally: There is sun.)

Il fait du soleil.

It's sunny.

On fait...?

Shall we...? How about we...?

On va...?

What about going...? / How about going...?

Tu as envie de...?

Do you feel like...?

�a te dit de...?

Do you feel like...? / Does it interest you to...? (informal)

�a vous dit de...?

Do you feel like...? / Does it interest you to...? (formal)

Tu viens...?

You want to come...?



Bonne id�e!

Good idea!

Pourquoi pas?

Why not?

Si tu veux.

If you want. (informal)

Si vous voulez.

If you want. (formal)

�a ne me dit rien.

That doesn't interest me. / I don't feel like it.


sorry (m.)


sorry (f.)

Je n'ai pas le temps.

I don't have the time.

J'ai trop de choses � faire.

I have too many things to do.


too / too much / too many

Je suis tr�s occup�.

I am very busy(m.).

Je suis tr�s occup�e.

I am very busy(f.).

Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire s'il...?

What are you going to do if it...?

Je vais...

I'm going... / I will..

Avec qui...?

With whom...?



o� �a?

Where? (short version of: where are we doing that?)

O� est-ce qu'on se retrouve?

Where are we meeting?

On pourrait...

We could...

Tu vas faire quoi samedi?

What are you going to do Saturday?

Pas grand-chose.

Not much.

Rien de sp�cial.

Nothing special.

avoir besoin de

to need (to have need of)

avoir envie de

to feel like (to have want of)

avoir faim

to be hungry (to have hunger)

avoir soif

to be thirsty (to have thirst)

avoir chaud

to be hot (to have warmth)

avoir froid

to be cold (to have coldness)

avoir sommeil

to be sleepy (to have sleepiness)

j'ai chaud

I'm hot

j'ai froid!

I'm cold!

nous avons chaud.

we're hot.

nous avons froid!

we're cold!