Studio 3 Rouge - 1.3 Tu viens aussi?

Je vais

I'm going to

aller au cin�ma

go to the cinema

aller � une f�te

go to a party

faire les magasins

go shopping

faire un piquenique

have a picnic

Tu viens avec nous?

Are you coming with us?

Tu veux nous accompagner?

Do you want to come with us?

�a t'int�resse?

Are you interested?

Je veux bien

I'd like to, I would like to

D'accord si tu veux.

OK if you like


Great!, Great

Bonne id�e

Good idea!, Good idea

Pourquoi pas?

Why not?

Je n'ai pas trop envie

I don't really want to, I don't want to

Tu rigoles!

You're joking!

C'est vraiment nul!

That's really rubbish!, that's rubbish

J'ai horreur de �a!

I hate that!

On se retrouve � quelle heure?

When shall we meet?

chez moi

at my place

Il y a une s�ance � ...

There's a showing at ...

� plus

See you later

� demain

See you tomorrow