Science chapter 2 bacteria and viruses

How do viruses reproduce?

with the help of a host cell (lytic cycle)

What are the steps of the lysogenic cycle?

attachment, injection, integration, cell multiplication

What are the steps of the lytic cycle?

the virus finds a host, the virus's genes enter the host, the host cell replicates the virus's genes, and the host cell is destroyed


a microscopic particle that gets inside a cell and often destroys the cell, e.g. HIV/AIDS, common cold, influenza

Why are viruses considered non-living?

A virus does not have a lifespan, cannot maintain its internal environment, cannot replicate on its own, does not grow, and does not produce its own energy

Where does a virus reproduce?

in a host cell

Once a virus has entered a living cell, what does it force the cell to do?

To make viruses rather than new healthy cells

What characteristics do scientists use to group viruses?

shape, type of disease, life cycle, or the kind of genetic material

How does a virus's protein coat help a virus?

It protects the genetic material and helps a virus enter its host

lytic cycle

the cycle in which viruses attack living cells and turn them into virus factories before erupting from the cell and killing it

What are three ways people can help prevent viral infections?

Have current vaccinations, wash hands, and never touch wild animals

What are the domains of living things?

bacteria, archaea, eukarya

What shape are bacteria?

bacilli (rod-shaped), cocci (spherical), or spirilla (spiral-shaped)

cell wall

what gives bacteria their shape


Spherical (round) shape of bacteria


are rod-shaped bacteria with or without flagella.


These are spiral or coiled shaped. They are rigid forms due to the spiral structure and bear flagella at one or both the ends.


hairlike parts that spin to push a bacterium through water or other liquids

pathogenic bacteria

bacteria that cause disease


an organism that consists of a single cell that does not have a nucleus


a cell or cells with a nucleus

How are prokaryotes like eukaryotes?

Prokaryotes move, get energy and reproduce just like cells that have a nucleus

How are prokaryotes and eukaryotes different?

Prokaryotes are simpler and smaller. They function like an individual organism and reproduce differently.

binary fission

Asexual reproduction in a single-celled organism by which one cell divides into two single-celled organisms. This is how bacteria reproduce.

What are the four steps of reproduction by binary fission?

The cell grows, the DNA is copied and attached to the cell membrane, the DNA and its copy separate and grow larger, and the cell splits in two then each new cell has a copy of the DNA.


a thick walled protective spore that forms inside a bacterial cell and resists harsh conditions

what may happen to endospores when conditions improve in areas that have been hot, cold, or very hot

the endospores break open and the bacteria became active again


most known prokaryotes


bacteria that use energy from sunlight to make their own food


bacteria that feed on dead organisms


bacteria that eat other organisms, or live in or on the body of another


producer bacteria that contain the green pigment chlorophyll

what are two effects of pigments found in cyanobacteria

flamingos get pink color from eating red cyanobacteria and the pigment helps in photosynthesis gives a blue tint

salt lovers

archaea that live in salty environments, such as the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake

methane makers

archaea that live in swamps and animal intestines

heat lovers

archaea that live in ocean vents and hot springs, at temperatures between 60 and 80

what kind of area do archaea prefer

area with little or no oxygen

what is the difference between the cells of archaea and the cells of bacteria

Bacteria contain peptidoglycan in the cell wall; archaea do not. The cell membrane in bacteria is a lipid bilayer; in archaea, it can be a lipid bilayer or a monolayer. Bacteria contain fatty acids on the cell membrane, whereas archaea contain phytanyl.

what are three extreme environments where archaea have been found

hot springs of Yellow Stone National Park, 430m under ice in Antarctica, and 8km below the Earth's surface


are a group of one-celled organisms that do not have a nucleus. Along with Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals, make up the five kingdoms of living things.

what are three places where bacteria live

our water, our food, and our bodies

what are bacteria neccessary for

Some bacteria degrade organic compounds for energy, and without bacteria, the earth would have no soil in which to grow plants. Bacteria living in the gut can help animals break down food. These so-called 'good bacteria' help maintain the conditions neces

how do bacteria help the earth

they help recycle dead animals and plants


where do plants get nitrogen from

nitrogen fixation

the process in which bacteria change the form of nitrogen so plants can use it

decomposer bacteria

how do bacteria recycle leaves and twigs

why is it important to break down dead matter

it makes nutrients available to other living things

what is one way bacteria are good for people

they are used to make many foods


the sugar in milk

genetic engineering

changing the genes of bacteria or other living things

what are three types of products that scientists can make using genetic engineering

insectisides, cleaners, and adhesives


what is used to treat many bacterial diseases

what are the types of organisms that can be attacked by pathogenic bacteria.

viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites


: A small proteinaceous infectious disease-causing agent that is believed to be the smallest infectious particle. A prion is neither bacterial nor fungal nor viral and contains no genetic material. and are misshaped and can cuase other protins to become m


strand or DNA/RNA which lacks a capsid or envelope


A bacteriophage is a type of virus that attacks only bacteria. It uses the bacteria to reproduce itself. Bacteriophages work by injecting their own DNA into bacterial cells. They use the biological machinery of the bacteria to reproduce, and many more vir


Outer protein coat of a virus


genetic material


The scientific study of how living things are classified


First and largest category used to classify organisms


in classification, a group of closely related classes


Group of similar orders


(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera


group of closely related species; the first part of the scientific name in binomial nomenclature


A group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce fertile offspring

binomial nomenclature

Classification system in which each species is assigned a two-part scientific name

blue-green algae

Photosynthetic procaryotes that contain chlorophyll and phycocyanin pigments and often move by gliding. another name for cyanobacteria


An organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances, using light or chemical energy. Green plants, algae, and certain bacteria are autotrophs.


adj.tending to grow or move towards light
because they are phototropic, daisies always grow towards the sun


Using chemical energy as an energy source. Some examples of chemoautotrophs include sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and iron-oxidizing bacteria. Cyanobacteria are included in the nitrogen-fixing bacteria that are categorized as chemoau


Organisms that are unable to construct their own food from inorganic sources, and therefore must consume other organisms or organic molecules from the outside environment. Function as consumers or decomposers in food chains.


organic matter relationship in which an organism obtains its nourishment from dead organic matter. (of some plants or fungi)


A small ring of DNA that carries accessory genes separate from those of the bacterial chromosome




chains of bacteria


arranged in clusters

obligate anaerobes

carry out fermentation or anaerobic respiration and cannot survive in the presence of O2

obligate aerobic bacteria

require oxygen

facultative anaerobes

can survive with or without oxygen


Process by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygen .The chemical action of yeast on sugars


part of eukaryotic cell division during which the cell nucleus divides


In bacteria, the direct transfer of DNA between two cells that are temporarily joined.


A thick-walled protective spore that forms inside a bacterial cell and resists harsh conditions.

reproduction of virus

Viruses must be inside a living cell to reproduce. If the Virus is active (such as the common cold) it will immediately begin to reproduce.

Viruses and genetic engineering


how can viruses cause mutation

Genetic Change in Viruses. Viruses are continuously changing as a result of genetic selection. They undergo subtle genetic changes through mutation and major genetic changes through recombination. Mutation occurs when an error is incorporated in the viral

Characteristics of Monera

The Monerans are unicellular organisms.
They contain 70S ribosomes.
The DNA is naked and is not bound by a nuclear membrane.
It lacks organelles like mitochondria, lysosomes, plastids, Golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, centrosome, etc.
They reproduce a


They are unicellular organism found mostly in a moist environment. They are found in hot springs, snow, deep oceans or as parasites in other organisms.
The monerans do not possess any membrane-bound organelles.

Importance of Monera.

Importance of Monera. a) Production of food: cheese, yogurt, vinegar, wine, sour cream, etc. synthesize drugs and chemicals. sometimes called symbionts.

5 ways we control monerans growth

boil , antibody , jam a lot of suger , pikel them , use x rays to oblivarte them