my bio vocab 2

potential energy

stored energy

kinetic energy

energy of motion

first law of thermodynamics

Energy can be transferred and transformed, but it cannot be created or destroyed.

second law of thermodynamics

every energy transfer will always result in a greater amount of disorder in the universe


A measure of disorder

Tropic level

each of several hierarchical levels in an ecosystem, comprising organisms that share the same function in the food chain and the same nutritional relationship to the primary sources of energy.

heat energy

a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature

mechanical energy

Kinetic or potential energy associated with the motion or position of an object


small molecules are built into large ones


large molecules are built into small ones


Chemical reactions that release energy

endergonic reaction

Reaction that absorbs free energy from its surroundings.


type of protein that accelerates the rate at which a chemical reaction takes place in an organism.

activation energy

the amount of initial energy necessary for reactions to occur

couple reactions

Reactions in which an energy yielding exergonic reaction powers an energy-requiring endergonic reaction

Substrate Binding

Only a few amino acids that typically make up an enzyme will be involved in substrate binding


all primary producers, organisms that make their own food


consumers, rely on other organisms for food


Evaporation of water from the leaves of a plant, xylem


pressure flow moves in all directions from source to sink, phloem

vascular bundles

plant stem structure that contains xylem and phloem tissue


pores in leaf

Where do the light-dependent reactions take place?


Where does the light-independent reaction take place?


Intermembrane space

space between the 2 outer membranes

Thylakoid space

thylakoids = flattened membranous sacs inside chloroplast
chlorophyll embedded within thylakoid membrane
(separates thylakoid space from stroma)


thick fluid outside/surrounding thylakoids, inside chloroplast

Light Reactions (photo-)

convert light energy to chemical energy
energy stored (temporarily!) in bonds of ATP & NADPH
O2 gas produced as byproduct, released
occurs in the thylakoids of the leaves chloroplasts

Calvin cycle (-synthesis)

set of cyclic rxns. where carbon fixation occurs
-incorporation of atmospheric carbon (CO2) into organic molecules (sugar)
powered by NADPH and ATP
occurs in the stroma of the leaves chloroplasts

natural selection

�A process through which traits that confer a reproductive advantage to individual organisms grow more common in populations of organisms over successive generations.