Photosynthesis Nelson


Absorbs radiant energy from the sun.
Pigment that gives a plant its green color. Found in the chloroplasts.


organelle found in plants where photosynthesis takes place.


gas that is a product of photosynthesis

carbon dioxide

gas that is a reactant of photosynthesis


the part of the plant where most photosynthesis takes place

radiant energy

energy from the sun that is used by plants to fuel the process of photosynthesis


the process that plants use to make their own food; combining carbon dioxide gas and water with sunlight to produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen gas

Photosynthesis word equation

carbon dioxide + water+ Sunlight --> glucose and oxygen


the type of sugar made during photosynthesis; stores energy from the sun and is used by plants and animals as "food


a substance that is formed by a chemical reaction


a substance that undergoes a chemical reaction to form something new

law of conservation of matter

matter is neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes forms