life science Chapter 6-genes and DNA, 7th Grade Life Science (R) chapter 5, 7th Grade Life Science-Chapter 8, 7th Grade Life Science Chapter 9


Deoxyribonucleic acid, a molecule that is present in all living cells and that contains the information that determines the traits that a living thing inherits and needs to live


in a nucleic acid chain, a subunit that consists of a suger, a phosphate, and a nitrogenous base

double helix

shape of DNA


RiboNucleic Acid, a molecule that is present in all living cells and that plays a role in protein production and can serve as a temporary copy

messenger RNA (mRNA)

a mirrorlike copy of the DNA segment that is made out of RNA
moves out of the nucleus and into cytoplasm


a cell organelle composed of RNA and protein; the site of protein synthesis
also called the 'factory'

transfer RNA (tRNA)

the RNA which translates the message of mRNA


a change in the nucleotide-base sequence of a gene or DNA molecule


base pair is replaced


physical or chemical agent that can cause a mutation in DNA


the passing of traits from parent to offspring


made up of DNA and determine your traits


different forms of a gene


the study of heredity

Gregor Mendel

the father of genetics

cross pollination

taking the pollen of one plant and placing it on a different plant

dominant trait

one that always appears if present; represented by a capital letter

recessive trait

only appears if there is no dominant trait; represented by a lower case letter

Type O

universal donor

Type AB

universal recipient


females have __________ chromosomes


males have ____________ chromosomes


Which parent determines the sex of the baby?


a chromosome map that shows the gene location on each off the chromosomes

3 categories of Protist are

plantlike, animal-like, or funguslike


One-celled, animal-like protists that can live in water, soil, and living and dead organisms.


Short, oarlike structures extending from the cell membranes-paramecium


Reproductive cell of fungi; they are produced in the fruiting bodies of the fungus


Saclike, spore-producing structure of sac fungi such as yeast


Moves about the same way as slime molds and feeds using footlike extensions of cytoplasm called pseudopods


organisms that live on or in a host and cause it harm

Products produced by Algae

Toothpaste, lotion, fertilizer, pool filters, ice cream, marshmallows, pudding

Red Tide

Caused by red algae due to Algal bloom-when pollution is a food source- release toxins in water harmful to organisms

Protists are classified by

how they move, how they get food, structures of their cells

Plantlike protists examples

are known as algae;include diatoms, kelp, euglenoids, dinoflagelletes; make their own food because they contain chlorophyll


is a green colored pigment that allow some organisms to make their own food.

One-celled animal-like protists

are known as protozoans


reproduces by budding

Club Fungi

reproduces by basidium

Zygote Fungi

reproduces by Sproangium

4 types or groups of fungus

Club, Zygote, Sac, imperfect


the division of organisms into groups, or classes, based on specific characteristics.


the science of describing, naming, and classifying organisms.


a group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce fertile offspring.


a domain made up of prokaryotes, most of which are known to live in extreme environments, that are distinguished from other prokaryotes by differences in their genetics and in the makeup of their cell walls.


in a modern taxonomic system, a domain made up of all eukaryotes; this domain aligns with the traditional kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.


a kingdom of mostly one-celled eukaryotic organisms that are different from plants, animals, archaea, bacteria, and fungi.


a kingdom made up of non-green, eukaryotic organisms that have no means of movement, reproduce using spores, and get food by breaking down substances in their surroundings and absorbing the nutrients.


a kingdom made up of complex, multicellular organisms that are usually green, have cell walls made of cellulose, cannot move, and use the Sun's energy to make sugar by photosynthesis.


a kingdom made up of complex, multicellular organisms that lack cell walls, can usually move around, and quickly respond to their environment.

Carolus Linnaeus

father of Taxonomy

8-level System of Classification

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species


also called producers which are organisms that make their food through photosynthesis.


also called consumers and decomposers, get energy by eating other organisms or absorbing their remains.


an organism that can make its own food by using energy from its surroundings.


an organism that eats other organism or organic matter.