Photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration

Plants are autotrophs because they

Make thier own food

If an plant is watered too much, some of the water will be released by the plant, into the air the process is known as


Once plants make their own food, they also must break it down. What material must be present in the plant for it to break down the food?


Photosynthesis in plants produces

sugar and oxygen

Gases pass in and out of a leaf through the


The green pigment of tree leaves is due to green light energy reflected from


Each of the following is involved in photosynthesis or respiration expect


Plants undergo both photosynthesis and respiration. Which statement correctly compares photosynthesis with respiration?

Photosynthesis stores energy, while respiration releases stored energy.

Asexual reproduction involves only one parent . During this type of reproduction , the resulting offspring would be

Identical to the parent

Asexual reproduction can occur in a plant part called a ____________, which has a structure made of a stem and special leaves .


What 3 items are taken in by a leaf for photosynthesis

carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight

To obtain energy from the sugar produced in photosynthesis, plants must break down the sugar. This takes place in the


Tubers can be distinguished from roots because, unlike roots, tubers have _____.


Observe the plants pictured below. Which uses runners to reproduce asexually?
