Science Bacteria and Viruses Test

What are bacteria?


the domain bacteria contains more individuals than what?

all other domains combined do

What are consumers?

Organisms that eat other organisms.

What are decomposers?

Organisms that feed on dead organisms.

What are producers?

Organisms that make their own food.

What must bacteria do?

Take in nutrients and get rid of waste.

Do some bacteria stick together?

YES but they still work individually.

How many cells are in bacteria?

Single cell

What can bacteria that are shaped like spirals do?

Move like corkscrews.

What can bacteria shaped like rods do?

Quickly absorb nutrients.

What can round bacteria do?

Does not dry out quickly.

Where can bacteria be found?


How do endospores work?

It is made of a thick, protective coat that raps around the bacteria as a shield so it can survive extreme places. Then when conditions improve endospores break open.

How do bacteria reproduce?

binary fission
(Know chart)

How do bacteria exchange DNA?

transformation, transduction, conjugation

What is transformation?

bacteria takes up DNA from the environment

What is transduction?

a virus injects DNA into a bacterium.

What is conjugation?

2 bacteria temporarily join together and plasmid transfers from one bacterium to the other.

What do viruses consist of?

genetic material and protein

What do bacteria not do?

Perform any life functions.

Where can viruses replicate?

Inside a cell it infects.

How do viruses replicate?

virus enters a cell or when its genetic material is injected into a cell, the virus takes over the host cell, which follows instructions in the viral DNA. The host cell replicates the viral DNA. When the host cell is full of new viruses, they burst from the host cell. This step, called lysis, kills the host cell.




A domain made up of prokaryotes that usually have a cell wall and that usually reproduce by cell division.


A domain made up of prokaryotes most of which are known to live in extreme environments that are distinguished from other prokaryotes by differences in their genetics and in the makeup of their cell wall.

Binary Fission

A form of asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms by which one cell divides into two cells of the same size.


A nonliving, infectious particle composed of a nucleic acid and a protein coat; it can invade and destroy a cell.


An organism from which a parasite takes food or shelter.

Explain binary fission chart

1 a bacterial cell copies it's DNA, 2 the DNA separates, 3 and the cell divides into two new cells.

Explain the lytic cycle

1) Virus attaches to the cell wall 2) Virus injects its DNA into the cell 3) Cell reads the DNA and assembles the viral parts 4) Newly assembled viruses will burst out of the cell destroying the cell