Zimm bio cell respiration and photosynthesis test


Organisms that make their own food


The process by which autotrophs use energy of sunlight to produce high energy carbohydrates, sugars, and starches that can be used as food


One of the most important compounds that cells use to store and release energy


A compound that can carry the high energy electrons (that were produced by light absorption) in chlorophyll to chemical reactions else where in the cell

Electron transport chain

A series of electron carrier proteins that shuttle high energy electrons during ATP generated reactions


Organelle found in plant cells that captures energy from sunlight to make chemical energy


Plants principle pigment


The fluid portion of the chloroplasts outside the thylakoids


Saclike photosynthesis membranes in chloroplasts

Light reaction

Set of reactions in photosynthesis that uses energy from light to produce ATP and NADPH

Calvin Cycle

light independent reactions where plants use the energy that ATP and NADPH contain to build stable high energy carbohydrate compounds that can be stored for a long time


The clusters of chlorophyll and proteins that thylakoids contain

ATP Synthase

A protein, that the thylakoid membrane contains, that spans the membrane and allows H+ ions to pass through it

What colors of light does chlorophyll absorb?

Blue red and violet

What colors does chlorophyll reflect?

Green and yellow the most

The stroma

Where do light INdependent reactions occur

The thylakoid

Where do light DEpendent reactions occur

The cytoplasm

Where does glycolysis take place


How many ATP molecules does is take to get started


How many atp molecules are made (including the staring ones)


What is the net gain in ATP

What products leave glycolysis and continue onto the Krebs cycle

2 pyruvic acids (2-3 carbon molecules) and 2 NADH's (which carries high energy electrons to the etc)

What are 2 major advantages of glycolysis in producing energy

The speed and that it's anaerobic

The matrix

Where does the Krebs cycle take place


What molecules are given off as waste in the krebs


What molecules continue on to the last stage in the krebs

The cristae

Where is the electron transport chain located


What molecule is formed as a waste product in the ETC


How many ATP molecules are produced during all 3 stages per molecule of glucose

Autotrophs make their own food

What is the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs

6CO2 + 6H2O => (in the presence of light) C6H12O6 + 6O2

The equation for photosynthesis

The sunlight

Where does he energy for photosynthesis come from

Chlorophyll A and B

What pigments are involved in photosynthesis

Chlorophyll absorbs all the colors but green and reflects it instead (it utilizes reds and blues)

Why does chlorophyll appear green to us


What organelle does photosynthesis take place

light independent reactions and light dependent reactions

What are the 2 stages of photosynthesis


What photosynthesis waste product is formed in the light DEpendent reactions


What 2 products of light DEpendent reactions are used up in the light independent reactions

The CO2 is split, O2 is released, and the carbon is added to a 5 carbon sugar

What happens to CO2 molecules in the light INdependent reactions

The light DEpendent requires light (I? think??)

What is the difference between the light indep. and dep. reactions

The Calvin Cycle

What is another name for the light indep. reactions

Adenine, ribosugar, phosphate group

What are the 3 parts of ATP


Are you going to fail this test

cellular respiration

The process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen


The process that DOES NOT require oxygen


The process that does require oxygen


The inner most compartment of the mitochondria


First set of reactions in cellular respiration in which a molecule of glucose is broken down into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid

Krebs Cycle

Second stage in cellular respiration in which pyruvic acid is broken down into CO2 in a series of energy extracting reactions

Adenosine Triphosphate

The full spelling of ATP

FLauine Adenine Dinucleotide Hydrogen

The full spelling of FADH2

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Hydrogen

Full spelling of NADH

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Hydrogen

Full spelling for NADPH

CO2 and H2O

Autotrophs make their own food from what


What is not produced in the light DEpendent reactions of photosynthesis

Synthesis of water

The first step of photosynthesis is what


What is not necessary for a typical plant in photosynthesis


The principle chemical compound that living things use to store energy

Glucose and oxygen

What raw materials are needed for cellular respiration

Pyruvic acid is broken down into co2 in a series of reactions

During the Krebs cycle....


What is a product of light water air and space