biology photosynthesis and cellular respiration

glucose is what type of sugar-monosaccharide, disaccharide, or polysaccharide?


how does a plant obtain carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, and how does it enter the plant?

stomata, enters through the stomata

in what plant organ does photosynthesis occur?


what is the source of the carbon in the sugars made by plants?

carbon dioxide

the oxygen released by plants comes from what reactant in photosynthesis?

the splitting of water

inside what cell, organ and organelle does photosynthesis occur?

plant cell, leaf, chloroplast

the energy for photosynthesis is

light energy

where is this energy stored in glucose?

in the bonds between atoms

name the process that breaks down sugars to release energy to do cellular work

cellular respiration

what energy molecule is used by cells to do work?


what waste gas is given off during cellular respiration, and how does this help plants?

carbon dioxide-it helps plants form carbohydrates during the Calvin Cycle

where does cellular (aerobic) respiration occur in animals? (organelle name)


list the three parts of cell respiration

Glycosis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport Chain

what is the total number of ATP molecules made during cell respiration?

36 molecules remain

how many are made during glycolysis? Krebs Cycle? Electron Transport

G-2, K-2, E-32

which bonds of ATP are high energy bonds?

the bond between the 2nd and 3rd phosphate

what sugar is found in ATP

ribose sugar

how do cells use the energy from ATP?

active transport and calvin cycle

organelles make their own food


site of photosynthesis


process occurs in a mitochondria

cellular respiration



process does not require oxygen


process requires oxygen


adenosine diphosphate


energy storing molecule of the cell


the anaerobic process of splitting glucose and forming two molecules of pyruvic acid


organisms that do not make their own food


discuss how cells store energy and release energy using ATP

catabolic pathways release energy by breaking large molecules and making them small molecules. anabolic pathways build small molecules into large molecules. ATP releases energy when the bond between the 2nd and 3rd phosphate groups are broken. it is forme

describe what cell respiration and why it is needed

the catabolic pathway that harvests electrons from carbon carbon compounds and use that energy to make ATP. ATP is used in all cell actions that require energy.

write the equation for cell respiration in words and chemical formula form

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2+ 6H2O + energy or glucose and oxygen is carbon dioxide, water, and energy

in what step of cell respiration does glucose get broken down? what does it get broken down to and why must it be broken down?

broken down glycolysis and 2 molecules pf both ATPP and NADH are formed

why can all organisms (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) use glycolysis but not all organisms use the Kreb's cycle and ETC (only eukaryotes do)

both steps require organelles that prokaryotic cells do not have

what is the difference in the aerobic process and anaerobic process

aerobic requires oxygen anaerobic does not

what is fermentation and why is it used

occurs in the cytoplasm and regenerates the cell's supply of NAD+ while producing a small amount of ATP.

our bodies use fermentation when our muscles lack oxygen. what is the type of fermentation used by us? bacteria and yeast also use fermentation in the process of making bread, cheese and yogurt. What type of fermentation do they use?

humans- lactic acid fermentation bacteria- alcohol fermentation

Photosynthesis organelle for process, reactants, cycle of chemical reactants, and products

chloroplast, CO2 and H2O, light reactions to calvin cycle, glucose and oxygen

cell respiration organelle for process, reactants, cycle of chemical reactions, and products

mitochondria, glucose and oxygen, glycolysis Krebs and etc, carbon dioxide water and energy

describe in your own words what photosynthesis is and why it is important

the way plants create energy. becuase it provides it with energy to grow which feeds other animals and also allows us to breath

light reactions starting molecules and products

light and H2O, and NADPH and ATP

calvin cycle startin molecules and products

ATP, NADPH, H2O and CO2; and ATP, NADP and C6H12O6

what is the general chemical equation of photosynthesis?

6CO2+6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2 or carbon dioxide and water is glucose and oxygen

explain how the equations for photosynthesis and respiration are related

photosynthesis uses CO2 and H2O which are released from respiration and respiration uses C6H12O6 which are released from photosynthesis

animals doe not perform photosynthesis; however, it is essential to our survival. explain

animals do not have chloroplasts so they cannot preform photosynthesis, but when the process releases CO2 is needed in cellular respiration respiration produces cellular energy for cell functions