Great Oak 9th grade Science Biology Semester 1 Final S.G.

Scientific Method


What is a variable?

parts involved in the scientific method.

What comes after a hypothesis that is more solid?

A Theory or Law

What is it called when you predict something?


Why do scientists publish their work?

So that people can extend on their work.




variety of life in an area; usually measured as the number of species that live in an area.

What is abiotic vs biotic factor?

Abiotic is non-living. Biotic is living.

What is a niche vs. habitat?

A habitat is a place where organisms live. Niche is a role that every animal has.

What happens if the niche overlap?

They may evolve by natural selection to have more distinct niches.

How does CO2 enter into the carbon cycle?

Carbon enters the cycle by respiration and burning fumes like fuel and wood.

How does oxygen cycle through photosynthesis and respiration?

First, respiration from animals and plants, release carbon(and water, and energy) into the atmosphere. Then from there, the Carbon Dioxide, gets caught by plants using chlorophyll which is in the leaves and energy from the sun. After that, they release Ox

What are producers and decomposers?

Producers produce food. Ex: trees. Decomposers break down the complex compounds of dead and decaying plants/animals. Ex: Bacteria.

How is energy passed on in a food web/energy pyramid?

When one animal is eaten by another.

What are autotrophs?

Another word for producers.

What are heterotrophs?

Organisms that cannot make their own food.

What are carnivores?

Organisms that eat other animals.

What are omnivores?

Organisms that eat plants and animals.

What are herbivores?

Organisms that eat plants.

What is meant by 1st, 2nd, 3rd Order consumers on a pyramid?

1st level consumers are the herbivores.
2nd level consumers eat the 1st level consumers.
3rd level consumers eat 1st and 2nd level consumers.

Define carrying capacity

The number of organisms of one species that an environment can support indefinitely.

Which of the following increase a population's size?
A. death rate
B. birth rate
C. immigration
D. emigration

death rate and birth rate.

Describe how a limiting factor affects a population size.

In the natural world, limiting factors like the availability of food, water, shelter, and space can change animal and plant populations.

What is the greatest threat to biodiversity?


What are the abiotic parts of the nitrogen and water cycles?

Soil and nitrogen gas

What are the biotic parts of the nitrogen and water cycles?

plants, animals, and bacteria


The species is no longer living.


any species which are vulnerable to endangerment in the near future.


a species that is close to being extinct.

How does the number of species affect extinction?

fewer amounts of food.

Macromolecules/Organelles compounds


What is the primary function of a carbohydrate?

The primary function of a carbohydrate is to provide energy for cells.

What are the building blocks of carbs?

A carbohydrate building block is a monosaccharide.

Enzymes do what to a reaction?

It changes the chemical rate.

What elements must organic compounds have in them?

Carbon, Water, and Oxygen

What organic compound do enzymes fall under?




What is the function of the mitochondria?

Powerhouse of the cell

Which organelle control's the cell?

the nucleus

Which organelle sorts and transports?

Golgi apparatus

What organelle do plant cells have but not animal cells?


Which organelle is best described as a passageway?

endoplasmic reticulum

What is homeostasis?

Maintaining a stable internal environment.

What is the function of the cell membrane?

The boundary that controls what enters and leaves the cell.

Which cell type has a nucleus and specialized organelles?

Eukaryotic cells

What are the three principles of the cell theory?

1. All living organisms are composed as one or more cells.
2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms.
3. Cells arise from pre-existing cells.

What would happen if your mitochondria we're abnormal?

If your mitochondria are not working properly then you are less able to convert food into ATP.

DNA and RNA are what organic compound.

nucleic acids



Which type of transport requires energy?

Active transport

What is diffusion?

The process by which a characteristic spreads over space.

Which way does water move in order to burst a cell?




Which process makes gametes?


What does not happen in between meiosis 1 and 2 so the chromosomes are reduced?

Both meiosis 1 and meiosis 2 reduce chromosome number, i.e. from 2n to n. This occurs during gamete (sperm or egg cell) formation.

If the animal's diploid number is 20 what is it's haploid number?


What is the product of meiosis?

Four genetically different cells

Reproductive cells go through which process?


Gametes has how many alleles for each trait.


Photosynthesis/Cell Respiration


What is the equation for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 ? 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP energy

How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration opposites?


Photosynthesis uses sunlight to make...


What would happen if you got rid of CO2 to plant's production of glucose
