Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Chapter 4

Aerobic stages of cellular respiration take place in What organelle?


What is the first step of cellular respiration?


Glycolysis is anaerobic or aerobic?

anaerobic process (does not require oxygen)

Where does glycolysis occur?

In the cytoplasm.

What happens to the 6- Carbon Molecule after glycolysis?

splits glucose into two three-carbon molecules

How many ATP's are produced after glycolysis?

2 ATP's

In what organelle does the Krebs Cycle take place?

The mitochondria

The Krebs cycle transfers energy to an ______________________.

electron transport chain.

What is take into the mitochondria for the Krebs Cycle to occur?

O2, ATP and 2- 3 carbon Molecules

What does the Krebs Cycle release?

36 ATP's, CO2 and H2O

The electron transport chain produces a large amount of _____.


water released as a waste product in the

Electron Transport Chain.

What is the chemical equation for Cellular Respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6O2+ Energy -->6CO2 + 6H2O

_________ allows the production of a small amount of ATP without oxygen.


Fermentation is an _______________process.


Fermentation occurs after

Gylcolysis (2 ATP's produced)

When does fermentation occur?

occurs when oxygen is not available for cellular respiration

Does fermentation produce ATP?

No, ATP is produced after gylcolysis. The point of fermentation is to continue glycolysis to produce ATP.

In which process is lactic acid formed when there is not enough oxygen present for cellular respiration to take place?


Cellular respiration uses oxygen to convert the chemical energy stored in organic molecules into....


Lactic Acid Fermentation can cause.....

Muscle soreness and and fatigue.

Where in the chloroplast is chlorophyll found?


What are the products of the light dependent reaction?


If carbon dioxide is removed from a plants environment, what would you expect to happen to the plants production of sugars?

Fewer sugars will be produced.

Which is a product of the light reactions?


Organisms, such as plants, that make their own food are called

Producers/ autotrophs

Molecules in food store ________ energy in their bonds

Chemical Energy

During the energy cycle, ________ is __________ when a phosphate group is removed.

Energy is released

ADP is changed into ATP when a......

phosphate group is added.

What is the molecule that is most commonly broken down to make ATP?


What is the name of the organelle that goes through photosynthesis?


What 2 parts of the chloroplast does photosynthesis take place?

- Grana (Thylakoids)
- Stroma

Where does light dependent reactions occur?

In the thylakoid.

What is absorbed in the Light dependent reaction?

H2O and Sunlight (energy)

What is released during a light dependent reaction?

Oxygen (O2)

Where does the Calvin Cycle take place?

The stroma

What does the calvin cycle create?

Glucose Sugar C6H1206

What does the calvin cycle absorb?

CO2 from the atmosphere

What is the overall equation for photosynthesis?

6CO2 + 6H2O --->C6H12O6 + 6O2

The overall process of cellular respiration converts.....

sugar into ATP using oxygen.

What is an aerobic process?

A process that requires oxygen.

What is an anerobic process?

A process that requires no oxygen.

Cellular respiration makes ATP by breaking down ______.


Cellular respiration is ___________.


What is the product of the Calvin Cycle?

Sugar (C6H12O6)

Glycolysis -----> Krebs Cycle -----> Electron Transport Chain. What do these steps represent?

Sequence of events in cellular respiration.

What molecule carries chemical energy that cells use for their functions?


Plants gather the suns energy with light-absorbing molecules called
