Protist TEST (Questions not Vocab)

What are 5 functions multicellular organisms can/cannot do and what unicellular organisms ca/cannot do?

Multicellular: needs other cells to help them live and can only do some of the 5 functions
Unicellular: does all 5 functions

What are the 5 functions of living organisms?

1) Exchange nutrients with the environment
2) Growth
3) Metabolism
4) Reproduce
5) Respond or react to stimuli

What are two similarities and two differences of Paramecia and Elodea?

Similarities: they are both single celled and have a nucleus
1) P = can live on it's own E = cannot live on it's own
2) P = organism E = not an organism

What are the differences between living cells that are organisms and living cells that are NOT organisms?

Living things need millions of cells to be able to do all 5 functions (Elodea cannot have one cell and do all 5 functions but a paramecium can)

Compare how amoebas and euglenas get their food.

*Amoebas use their psuedopods to eat
*Euglenas make their own food with their chloroplasts

Why is a Paramecium more complex than an Amoeba?

Paramecium have cilia, they have more nuclei (macro and micro), and their excretion get's "emptied out" and doesn't just sit there like the Amoeba.

List the 4 groups of animal-like protists and describe how they move

1) Flagellates - Flagella
2) Ciliates - Cilia
3) Sporozoans - spores
4) Sarcodines - psuedopods

List 3 characteristics of protists:

1) they can sometimes live inside other organisms
2) they are unicellular organisms
3) they can sometimes live in watery environments

What are the 2 functions of Cilia?

1) they are moving
2) they sweep food into the oral groove

Explain how the amoeba obtains it's food:

To ingest their food, they trap the food in their psuedopods. To digest their food, they use their food vacuoles.

Why do plantlike protists live on the surface of water?

They live on the surface of the water because if they lived on the bottom, they wouldn't get sunlight and they need sunlight in order to live.