Chapter 6 Photosynthesis and Chapter 7 Cell Respiration

Photosynthesis is what type of reaction?


Cellular Respiration is what type of reaction?


Where does the energy come from?

the sun

what are the products of photosynthesis?

oxygen and glucose

what are the products of cellular respiration?

carbon dioxide and water

the cycle of energy

each reaction produces what the other reaction requires


self-energy; make their own nutrients(producers)(photosynthetic and chemosynthetic)


different-energy; can't make their own food, get energy from food that they eat(consumers)


use energy of light to make glucose


use inorganic compounds to make glucose

overview of photosynthesis

in sunlight plants change carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen
carbon dioxide+water--> glucose+oxygen

What are the four requirements for photosynthesis?

Sunlight, Chloroplast, Pigments, Energy-storing compounds


radiant energy of light excites electrons of chlorophyll to begin photosynthesis, plants can finish in the dark but not start


a singular pore in a leave


many pores in leaves


fluid filled space in chloroplast, space and material around grana


stroma, thylakoid, and grana


stacks of flattened discs, more than one


individual membranous discs


colored substances that absorb light


green pigments

energy-storing compounds

ATP and NADP+, temporarily store energy until glucose is formed

What are the 2 ways that energy is stored?

Electron Carriers and Use of ATP

Electron Carrier

electrons are passed to an electron carrier NADP+, NADP+ is converted to NADPH(reduction), later NADPH will transfer this energy to glucose recycling NADP+(oxidation)

What does ATP stand for?

ATP is Adenosine TriPhosphate


1 nitrogenous base(adenine)+ 5 carbon sugar(ribose)


3 phosphate groups, green plants make ATP during photosynthesis, all life uses ATP to power cell functions

Phospate groups are added to

store energy(anabolic) AMP-->ADP-->ATP-->

Phospate groups are removed to

release energy(catabolic) ATP-->ADP-->AMP

LEO goes GER

loses electrons is oxidation
gains electrons is reduction


-e- gained anabolic


e- lost catabolic

What are the two stages of photosynthesis?

Light Dependent Reactions and Light Independent Reactions

Light Dependent Reactions

require light, light energy changed to chemical energy and temporarily stored in ATP and NADPH

Where do the light dependent reactions take place?

They occur in the photosystem: clusters of pigment molecules in thylakoid

What is ATP formed by?

ATP forms by chemiosmosis. Water is split, oxygen is a by-product

Light independent reactions

AKA the Calvin Cycle, does not require energy, glucose formed using carbon dioxide and energy stored in ATP and NADPH, occurs in stroma, carbon-fixation occurs: inorganic carbon dioxide "fixed" and becomes organic

What else is a light independent reaction called?

The Calvin Cycle

carbon fixation

occurs in inorganic carbon dioxide is fixed and becomes organic. 1G3P every Calvin Cycle

What is produced every 2 Calvin Cycles?

One glucose

Alternative pathways

plants in hot, dry climates close stomata to prevent water loss, as a result oxygen increase and carbon dioxide decreases this inhibits carbon fixation, alternate pathways allow carbon fixation to still occur

What are the two types of alternative pathways?

C4 pathways and CAM pathways

C4 pathway

plants form 4-C molecules instead of typical 3-C molecule(saves time/energy) ex. corn

CAM pathway

stroma open at night, closed during heat of day; desert plants; can't be open during the day; can do one cycle per day; don't grow very much in comparison to other plants ex. cactus

cellular respiration overview

glucose is broken down; its energy is release, ATP is produced and powers ALL cell functions, occurs in autotrophs and heterotrophs(ALL LIFE), can be aerobic(requires O2) can be anaerobic(doesn't require O2)


photosynthesis and cellular respiration


cellular respiration

What are the two stages of cellular respiration?

glycolysis and aerobic respiration


anaerobic(no O2 needed), occurs in cytoplasm of cells, glucose--> 2 pyruvic acid(3-C compound), NADH(e- carrier) and ATP produced. enzymes catalyze reactions, oxygen is present just not used/needed

What goes into glycolysis?

glucose and 2 ATP

what comes of glycolysis?

2 ATP, 2 NADH, and 2 Pyruvic acids

what happens after glycolysis when enough O2 is present?

pyruvic acid enters aerobic respiration

What happens after glycolysis when there isn't enough O2 present?

pyruvic acid enters anaerobic fermentation

What is required in aerobic respiration?


Where does aerobic respiration take place?

Prokaryotes: cytoplasm
Eukaryotes: mitochondria

aerobic reaction

pyruvic acid--> ATP(a lot), energy stored in NADH used, produces-20x more ATP than glycolysis(40)

What are the two steps of aerobic respiration?

Krebs cycle and electron transport

Who was the Krebs cycle discovered by?

Hans Krebs

Kreb Cycle

occurs in mitochondrial matrix, it's goal is to temporarily store energy(attach e- to carriers), CO2 produced (by-product)

electron transport

e- from NADH and FADH2: passed along electron transport chain, occurs along mitochondrial cristae, at end of chain:4e-+4H++O2-->2H2O, build up of H+, powers formation of ATP(chemiosmosis)

total energy from glucose

Glycolysis:2 ATP
Krebs Cycle: 2 ATP
Total: 38 ATP from cellular respiration
only 39% of the energy in glucose


follows glycolysis if no O2: anaerobic, occurs in cytoplasm, recycles NAD+ from NADH-keeps glycolysis going, does not form ATP but each time glycolysis occurs 2 ATP formed

What are the two types of fermentation?

lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation

Lactic Acid Fermentation

pyruvic acid--> lactic acid, NADH-->NAD+, keeps glycolysis going (2 ATP), makes cultured dairy products: sour cream, yogurt, buttermilk, and cheese, occurs in muscles too

Lactic acid and exercise

occurs in muscles during heavy exercise, O2 used up faster than it gets to cells, lactic acid builds up in muscles-burns, muscles fatigue:cramp, when exercise stops: O2 up, lactic acid removed by liver

alcoholic fermentation

occurs in yeast(fungus), important for making beer, wine, and bread, pyruvic acid--> CO2 and alcohol, CO2 forms bubbles in champagne, CO2 allows bread to rise, in bread alcohol evaporates during baking