Chapter 16: Protists

Brief History of Life Facts

-earth formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago
-first life originated around 2.5 billion years ago
-Cyanobacteria evolved to gather sunlight to do photosynthesis and produce oxygen

Symbiosis and the Origin of Eukaryotes

-Lynn Margulis and the Endosymbiotic Theory
-Mitochondria and chloroplasts are both believed to have developed from prokaryotes by a process called endosymbiosis

Endosymbiotic Theory

[inside symbiosis]
any two things coming together and having a relationship
the earlier forms of life were prokaryotic cells that evolved through endosymbiosis into Eukaryotic Cells


-extremely variable
-most diverse kingdom in Eukarya
-they are not plants, fungi, or animals
they have:
-varied types of cell surfaces
-movement is accomplished by diverse mechanisms
-many forms of nutritional acquisition

There are about ...

200,000 different forms of protists including,


comprised of 1 cell


permanent collection of cells that show little or no integration of cellular activities


the activities of individual cells are coordinated
key advantage: it allows for specialization of cells [separation of labor]

Protists can be:

-phagotrophs (animal-like) heterotrophs
-slime molds (fungi-like)
-Unicellular or Multicellular algae (plant-like) photoautotrophs


closest living relatives to animals

Green algae

closest living relatives to plants

Varied Cell Surfaces

all have a cell membrane, but many have cell walls or glass (silica) shells


what cell walls are made of

Varied Nutritional Aquisitions

1. Phototrophs [are photosynthetic autotrophs]
2. Phagotrophs [heterotrophic] - one organism ingesting a rather large organism
3. heterotrophs and decomposers
any protist that is greenish has chlorophyll and can make their own food

Varied Movement Mechanisms

1. Cilia
2. Flagella
3. Pseudopods "fake feet"
4. Gliding


some protists can survive harsh environmental conditions by forming these
are dormant forms of cells with resistance outer covering in which cell metabolism is more or less completely shut down

Brain-Eating Amoeba

organisms that form cysts
impervious to the hosts immune system
WBC can't get through the cysts (coat)

How protists reproduce

mostly asexually
only reproduce sexually in times of stress

Common ways of protist reproduction

-binary fission [two equal organisms]
-budding [small amount comes off then grows into full size]


-heterotrophic (phagocytosis)
-contractile vacuole


-autotrophic (green)
-contractile vacuole


-Autotrophic (green)
-Flagella (rotating)
-no specialization


-oral groove
-contractile vacuole

Ulva (sea lettuce)

-no specialization