Science Test


This contains all the nonliving and living parts of the environment in a given area


This is a place within an ecosystem that provides the biotic and abiotic factors an organism needs to survive and reproduce






All the organisms of the same species that live in the same area at the same time


All the populations living in an ecosystem at the same time form a


This is the way a species interacts with abiotic and biotic factors to obtain food, find shelter and fulfill other needs


This is the art of one organism, the predator, feeding on another organism, its prey


This is a close long-term relationship between two species that usually involves an exchange of food or energy.


This is a type of symbiosis where both species benefits from the relationship


This is a type of symbiosis where only one species benefits from the relationship and the other is neither harmed nor benefited


This is a type of symbiosis where one species benefits and the other is harmed


This describes interactions between two or more organisms that need the same resource at the same time

Carrying capacity

This is the largest number of individuals of one species in an ecosystem can support over time


This is when all the members of a population die or move away from an area or from earth

Parasitism and mutualism

Describe two ways in which two species might interact with eachother

When one species dies off the organism that needs that species as a food source will die off as well.

Explain how the extinction of one population can affect other populations in the same community

The weather causes food and resource changes

The number of mice in a grassland community rises every summer and falls every winter. What could cause the changes in population size?

Shark and remora

Give an example of symbiosis:

Clown fish and an enename

Give an example of mutualism:

Cow and egret

Give an example of commensalism:

Human to mosquito

Give an example of parasitism:


These are organisms that use an outside energy source, such as the sun, and produce their own food


These are organisms that cannot make their own food


Eat producers


Eats producers and consumers


Eat herbivores, omnivores and other carnivores


They consume the bodies of dead organisms and wastes produced by living organisms


These are detritivores that eat the bodies of animals killed by carnivores or omnivores


These are microscopic detritivores

Food chain

This is a simple model that shows how energy moves from a producers to one or more consumers through feeding relationships

Food web

This is a model of energy transfer that can show how the food chains in a community are interconnected

Energy pyramid

Is a model that shows the amount of energy available in each link of a food chain

Nitrogen cycle

This shows how protein is produced