Chapter 7


_____________________ are the producers of the biosphere, make their own food, and do not usually consume organic molecules derived from other organisms.


___________________ use the energy of light to produce organic molecules.


___________________ are prokaryotes that use inorganic chemicals as their energy source.


______________________ are consumers that feed on plants, animals, or decompose organic material.


Photosynthesis in plants takes place in ____________________, converts carbon dioxide and water into organic molecules, and releases oxygen.


____________________ is an important light-absorbing pigment in chloroplasts, is responsible for the green color of plants, and plays a central role in converting solar energy to chemical energy.


Chloroplasts are concentrated in the cells of the __________________, the green tissue in the interior of the leaf.


__________________ are the tiny pores in the leaf that allow carbon dioxide to enter and oxygen to exit.


Chloroplasts consist of an envelope of two membranes.


Enclose an inner compartment filled with a thick fluid called ___________________.


Contain a system of interconnected membranous sacs called ____________________.


Thylakoids are often concentrated in stacks called ________________.

Thylakoid space

An internal compartment called the _____________________, which has functions analogous to the intermembrane space of a mitochondrion.

light energy

In photosynthesis, ____________________ is captured by chlorophyll molecules to boost the energy of electrons.

chemical energy

Light is converted to _______________________.

Chemical energy

_____________________ is sotred in the chemical bonds of sugar.

Light reactions
Calvin cycle

What are the two stages of photosynthesis?

Calvin cycle

_________________ occurs in stroma of the chloroplast.

carbon fixation

During the Calvin cycle, CO2 is incorportated into organic compounds in a process called ________________________.

Dark reactions
Light-independent reactions

The Calvin cycle is often called the ____________________ or ___________________, because non of the steps requires light directly.

Visible radiation

______________________ absorbed by pigments drives the light reactions.

electromagnetic spectrum

Visible light is only a small part of the __________________________, the full range of electromagnetic wavelengths.


Electromagnetic energy travels in waves, and the ____________________ is the distance between the crests of two adjacent waves.


Light behaves as discrete packets of energy called __________________.


A _____________ is a fixed quantity of light energy.


__________________ absorb light and are built into the thylakoid membrane.

Plant pigments

___________________ absorb some wavelengths of light and reflect or transmit other wavelengths.

Chlorophyll a absorbs blue-violet and red light and reflects green.
Chlorophyll b absorbs blue and orange and reflects yellow-green.

Chloroplasts contain several different pigments, which absorb light of different wavelengths.

CAM plants

______________________ conserve water by opening their stomata and admitting CO2 only at night.