Essential Vocabulary 1-21 Verbs

abe?, ab?re

to go away

aveni?, aven?re

to arrive

a?, agree

to do/to drive

ambul?, ambul?re

to walk

am?, am?re

to love

aperi?, aper?re

to open

appropinqu?, appropinqu?re

to approach

arripi?, arripere

to snatch, to grab

ascend?, ascendere

to climb up

audio, aud?re

to hear

cad?, cadere

to fall

capi?, capere

to capture

c?n?, c?n?re

to dine

clam?, clam?re

to shout

conspici?, conspicere

to catch sight of

coqu?, coquere

to cook

c?r?, curare

to care for

curr?, currere

to run

descend?, descendere

to climb down