Common Verbs - Tener (teniendo, tenido)

Vosotros ten�is un coche.

You (P) have a car.

Nosotros tenemos un coche.

We have a car.

Yo tengo un coche.

I have a car.

Ellos tienen un coche.

They have a car.

�l tiene un coche.

He has a car.

T� tienes un coche.

You have a car.

Yo tuve un coche.

I had a car.

Ellos tuvieron un coche.

They had a car.

Nosotros tuvimos un coche.

We had a car.

T� tuviste un coche.

You had a car.

Vosotros tuvisteis un coche.

You (P) had a car.

�l tuvo un coche.

He had a car.