Decir, Pedir, Repetir, Servir, Tener

I say, tell

Yo digo

You (inf) say, tell

T� dices

You (f) say, tell

Usted dice

he says, tells

�l dice

She says, tells

ella dice

we say, tell

nosotros decimos

You all (sp) say, tell

vosotros dec�s

they boys say, tell

ellos dicen

they girls say, tell

ellas dicen

you all (la) say, tell

ustedes dicen

I ask, order

yo pido

you (inf) ask, order

t� pides

he orders, asks

�l pide

she orders, asks

ella pide

we ask, order

nosotros pedimos

you all (sp) ask, order

vosotros ped�s

they boys ask, order

ellos piden

they girls ask, order

ellas piden

you all (la) ask, order

ustedes piden

you (f) ask, order

usted pide

I repeat

yo repito

you (inf) repeat

t� repites

you (f) repeat

usted repite

he repeats

�l repite

she repeats

ella repite

we repeat

nosotros repetimos

you all (sp) repeat

vosotros repet�s

they boys repeat

ellos repiten

they girls repeat

ellas repiten

you all (la) repeat

ustedes repiten

I serve

yo sirvo

you (inf) serve

t� sirves

you (f) serve

usted sirve

he serves

�l sirve

she serves

ella sirve

we serve

nosotros servimos

you all (sp) serve

vosotros serv�s

they boys serve

ellos sirven

they girls serve

ellas sirven

you all (la) serve

ustedes sirven

I have

yo tengo

you (inf) have

t� tienes

you (f) have

usted tiene

he has

�l tiene

she has

ella tiene

we have

nosotros tenemos

you all (sp) have

vosotros ten�is

they boys have

ellos tienen

they girls have

ellas tienen

you all (la) have

ustedes tienen