MGMT 350 Test 1 ORGB Keith Credo UL Lafayette

Influences of Organizational Behavior

Psychology, Sociology, Engineering, Anthropology, Medicine, Management.

4 elements of open systems view of the organization

Task, People, Structure, Technology

Task (4 elements of open systems view of the organization)

an organization's mission, purpose, or goal for existing

People (4 elements of open systems view of the organization)

the human resources of the organization

Structure (4 elements of open systems view of the organization)

the manner in which an organization's work is designed at the micro level; how departments, divisions, and the overall organization are designed at the macro level

Technology (4 elements of open systems view of the organization)

the tools, knowledge, and/or techniques used to transform inputs into outputs

Formal Organization

the official, legitimate, and most visible part of the system
-Goals and objectives
-Policies and procedures
-Job descriptions
-Financial resources
-Authority structure
-Communication channels
-Products and services

Informal Organization

the unofficial and less visible part of the system
Beliefs and assumptions
-Perceptions and attitudes
-Feelings, such as fear, joy
anger, trust, and hope
-Group norms
-Informal leaders

Hawthorne Studies:

studies conducted during the 1920's and 1930's that suggested the importance of the informal organization

Global Competition in Business

Four challenges to managers relating to change in organizations:
-Technological Innovation
-Workplace Diversity
-Ethics and Character


High power distance<-->Low power distance
High uncertainty avoidance<-->Low uncertainty avoidance
Long-term orientation<-->Short-term orientation


All forms of individual differences, including culture, gender, age, ability, personality, religious affiliation, economic class, social status, military attachment, and sexual orientation


an ethical theory that emphasizes the consequences or
results of behavior

Rule Based theories of ethics

an ethical theory that emphasizes the character of the act itself rather than its effects

Gender Harassment

crude comments; behaviors that convey hostility toward a particular gender

Unwanted Sexual Attention -

unwanted touching, unwanted pressure for dates

Sexual Coercion

demands for sexual favors through job-related threats or promises


an employee who informs authorities of the wrongdoing of his or her company or coworkers
-Public Hero
-"Vile Wretch

Social Responsibility

the obligation of an organization to behave ethically

Definition of personality

A relatively stable set of characteristics that influences an individual's behavior

Person influences on individual behavior

The person
-Skills and abilities

environment influences on individual behavior

The environment
-Work group
-Personal life

What is trait theory?

understand individuals by breaking down behavior patterns into observable traits

What are the Big 5?

Extraversion----->Gregarious, assertive, sociable
Agreeableness---->Cooperative, warm, agreeable
Conscientiousness----> Hardworking, organized, dependable
Emotional stability---->Calm, self-confident, cool
Openness to experience----->Creative, curious, cultured

Locus of control

Internal: I control what
happens to me!
External: People and circumstances control my fate!

Self efficacy

Beliefs and expectations about one's ability to accomplish a specific task effectively

self esteem

Feelings of Self Worth
(Success tends to increase self-esteem)

Self monitoring

Behavior based on cues:
High self monitors
flexible: adjust behavior according to the situation and the behavior of others; can appear unpredictable and inconsistent

How is the MBTI used to help organizations and managers?

Identify learning and teaching styles
Decide on careers (Example: many managers are ESTJs)
Determine decision-making style
Determine management style
Build teams

4 categories of MBTI

Extraversion; Introvertion
Sensing; Intuiting
Thinking; Feeling
Judging; Perceiving

Social perception - what 3 things influence it?

Perceiver Characteristics
Target Characteristics
Situational Characteristics

Common social perception barriers

Selective perception
First-impression error
Self-fulfilling prophecies

attributional biases

explains how individuals pinpoint the causes of their own behavior or that of others

(ABC) Affect

Physiological indicators I don't like my
Verbal statements boss.
about feelings

(ABC)behavioral intentions

Observed behavior I want to
Verbal statements transfer to
about intentions another dept.


Attitude scales I believe my
Verbal statements boss plays
about beliefs favorites.

Cognitive dissonance and how people deal with it

a state of tension that is produced when an individual experiences conflict between attitudes and behavior

Jobs satisfaction and its effects

a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experience

Dissatisfied workers

Skip work
Report more psychological and medical problems

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB's) - why do they happen and how do they help organizations?

Job Satisfaction leads to Organizational Citizenship Behaviors:
reflection of organizational commitment

What is emotional intelligence?

is the capability of individuals to recognize their own, and other people's emotions

Emotion vs Mood

Emotions vary; triggered by stimulus
Mood is either good or bad

Ethical Behavior - relate to moral development, values, and individual /organizational influences

Acting in ways consistent with one's personal values and the commonly held values of the organization and society

moral development

the process of moving through stages of maturity in terms of making ethical decisions


Enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence.

individual /organizational influences

Individual Influences
Value systems
Locus of control
Cognitive moral development

Organizational influences

Organizational Influences
Codes of conduct
Rewards and punishments

Internal Motivators

Suggest that variables within the individual give rise to motivation and behavior

External Motivaros

Focus on environmental elements to explain behavior

Levels of Maslow's Hierarchy

1. Self Actualization
2. Esteem
2. Love (social)
4. Safety and Security
5. Physiological

Theory X motivators

Theory X
A set of assumptions of how to manage individuals who are motivated by lower order needs

Theory Y motivators

Theory Y
A set of assumptions of how to manage individuals who are motivated by higher order needs

ERG in relation to Maslow's Heirarchy

1. Sel Actualization and 2. Esteem (Growth
3. Love (Relatedness) and security and 5. Physiological (Existence)

Need for Achievement

a manifest (easily perceived) need that concerns individuals' issues of excellence, competition, challenging goals, persistence, and overcoming difficulties

Need for Power

a manifest (easily perceived) need that concerns an individual's need to make an impact on others, influence others, change people or events, and make a difference in life

Need for Affiliation

a manifest (easily perceived) need that concerns an individual's need to establish and maintain warm, close, intimate relationships with other people

Hygiene Factor

maintenance factor
contributes to employee's feeling not dissatisfied
contributes to absence of complaints

Motivation Factor

job enrichment
leads to superior performance & effort

Equity theory and how to resolve inequity. Also names for new perspectives

Equity theory focuses on individual-environment interaction

to solve inequity

Alter the person's outcomes
Alter the person's inputs
Alter the comparison other's outputs
Alter the comparison other's inputs
Change who is used as a comparison other
Rationalize the inequity
Leave the organizational situation

Equity Sensitive

I prefer an equity ratio equal to that of my comparison other


I am comfortable with an equity ratio less than that of my comparison other


I am comfortable with an equity ratio greater than that of my comparison other

Steps involved in expectancy theory

1. Effort
2. Performance
3. Reward