Human resources chapter 2

Civil Rights of 1964

title VII of the act states that it is illegal for an employer to fail or refuse to hire, to discharge any individual, or to discriminate in any other way against any individual with respect to any aspect of the employment relationship on the basis of tha

illegal discrimination

is the result from behavior or action by an organization or managers within an organization that cause members of a protected class to be unfairly differentiated from others.

disparate treatment

discrimination exists when individuals in similiar situations are treated differently and when the differential treatment is based on the individual's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability status.

bona fide occupational qualification

states that a condition like race, sex, or other personal characteristics legitimately affects a person's ability to perform the job, and therefore can be used as a legal requirement for selection

business necessity

is a practice that is important for the safe and efficient operations of the business

disparate impact

discrimination occurs when an apparently neutral employment practice disproportionately excludes a protected group from employment opportunities.

four-fifths rule

suggests that disparate impact exists if a selection criterion results in a selection rate for a protected class that is less than four-fifths (80 percent) of that for the majority group

protected class

consists of all individuals who share one or more common characteristics as indicated by that law

affirmative action

represents a set of steps taken by an organization to actively seek qualified applicants from groups underrepresented in workforce

quid pro quo harassment

sexual harassment in which the harasser offers to exchange something of value for sexual favors

hostile work environment

one that produces sexual harassment because of a climate or culture that is punitive toward people of a different gender

geographical comparisons

involve comparing the characteristics of the potential pool of qualified applicants for a job (focusing on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, and gender) with those same characteristics of present empoyees in the job

McDonnell-Douglass test

is used as the basis for establishing a prima facie case of disparate impact discrimination

pattern or practice discrimination

is similiar to disparate treatment but occurs on a classwide basis

utilization analysis

comparison of the racial, sex and ethnic composition of the employer's workforce compared to that of the available labor supply

equal pay of 1963

requires that organizations provide men and women who are doing equal work the same pay

The Age Discrimination and Employment Act

prohibits discrimination against employees age forty and older

The pregnancy Discrimination act of 1979

was passed to protect pregnant women from discrimination in the work place, the law requires pregnant woman to be treated like any other employee in the workplace

The Civil Rights of 1991

makes it easier for individuals who feel they have been discriminated against to take legal actions against organizations and provides for the payment of compensatory and punitive damages in case of discrimination under title VII

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

prohibits discrimination based on disability and all aspects of the employment relationship as job application procedures, hiring, firing, promotion, compensation, and training, as well as other employment activities such as adverting, recruiting, tenure,

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

clearly outlaws differential pay for male and female employees doing essentially the same job.

The Family and Medical Leave of 1993

requires employers having more than fifty employees to provide as many as 12 weeks unpaid leave for employees after the birth or adoption of a child; to care for seriously ill child, spouse, or parent; or if the employee is seriously ill.

The Fair Labor Standards Act

established minimum hourly wage for jobs.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974

guarantees a basic minimum benefit that employees could expect to be paid at retirement

National Labor Relations Act

passed in 1935 in effort to control and legislate collective bargaining between organizations and labor unions

Labor Management Relations Act

curtailed and limited union powers and regulates union actions and their internal affairs in a way that puts them on equal footing with management and organizations.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

is a division of the department of justice . it was created title VII of the 1964 civil rights act enforcing title VII, the equal pay act, and americans with disability act.

Office of federal contract compliance procedures

is responsible for enforcing the executive orders than cover companies doing business with federal government.

Landrum-Griffin Act

regulate union actions and their internal affairs in a way that puts them on a equal footing with management.

Employee Free Choice Act

also known as the Union Relief Act of 2009, would change the way in which unions becomes certified as bargaining agents in companies, eliminating the secret ballot votes that now exists.

Occupational Safety and Health Act

is the single most comprehensive piece of legislation regarding worker safety and health in organizations

Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988

passed to reduce the use of illegal drugs in the workplace.

The worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988

stipulates that an organization employing at least 100 employees must provide notice at least 60 days in advance of plans to close facility or lay off 50 or more employees

Privacy act of 1974

legislation allows employees to review their personnel files periodically to ensure that the information contained in them is accurate

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

Prohibits employers from collecting any genetic information about their employees, including information about family history of disease.

Patriot Act

was passed shortly after the terrorist attack on september 11, 2001 to help united states effectively battle terrorist more effectively, which allows the law enforcement to use surveillance to gather information on the targets without informing them.