MGMT 304 Chapter 6

External Selection Process

o Foundation: Current and accurate job descriptions and job specifications
o Goals: develop reliable and valid selection measures
o Select employees who can and will do the job safely
o Develop a process that is respectful of applicants
o Control costs

Steps in the Selection Process

� HR reviews the applications received to see which meet the basic requirements of the job
� For candidates who meet the basic requirements, the organization administers tests and reviews work samples to rate the candidates ability
� Those with the best a


the extent to which a measurement is free of random error (generates consistent results)
o Construct statistical intelligence tests to determine reliability�correlation coefficients (test/retest, interrater)
o Higher correlation coefficient signifies a gr


the extent to which performance on a measure (test score) is related to what the measure is designed to assess (job performance)
o A strong positive correlation between a measure and job performance means the measure should be a valid basis for selecting

Criterion-Related Validity

a measure of validity bases on showing a significant correlation between selection criteria scores and job performance scores
Predictive validation�researcher uses test scores of all applicant and looks for a relationship between the scores and future per

Content Validity

consistency between the test items or problems and the situations or problems that occur on the job
Exposes the applicant to situations that are likely to occur on the job, tests whether the applicant has the knowledge, skills, or ability to handle such s

Construct Reliability

consistency between a high score on a test and high level of a construct (intelligence, personality, or leadership ability) as well as between mastery of this construct and successful performance of the job
Ex. Extroversion and successful sales representa


selection method applies to not only the conditions in which the method was originally developed - job, organization, people, time period, etc, but also applies to other organizations, jobs appicants, etc
o Answers the question, "Is a selection method tha

How to EEO laws affect the selection process?

� Equal employment opportunity laws affect the kinds of information an organization may gather on application forms and in interviews
o Employers may not ask questions that gather information about a persons protected status, even indirectly
o The ADA req

What are the current concerns about privacy, use of credit reports and convictions?

� Along with EEO, organizations must be concerned about candidates privacy rights
� Confidentiality is a particular concern when job applicants provide information online
� The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires employers to obtain the candidate's consent

What is the relationship of selection to job analysis, recruitment, training, performance management, compensation, and voluntary benefits?

� An important principle of selection is to combine several sources of information about candidates, rather than relying solely on interviews or a single type of testing
� The source should be chosen carefully to relate to the characteristics identified i

Aptitude Test

how well a person can learn or acquire skills and abilities

Achievement Test

measure a persons existing knowledge and skills

Cognitive Test

measures a persons mental abilities as verbal skills, quantitative skills, and reasoning ability

Work Sample

simulated work setting, show existing samples of their work