Management 305

Explain why managers are important to organizations

They are someone who coordinates and overseas the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished

Tell who managers are and where they work

- First-line managers: Individuals who manage the work of non-managerial employees (dave ryman)
- Middle managers: individuals who manage the work of first line managers(jared grounds manager)
- Top managers: Individuals who are responsible for making org

Describe the functions, roles, and skills of managers
Functional Approach

Planning: defining goals, establishing strategies to achieve goals, develop plans to integrate and coordinate activities
Leading: Working with and through people to accomplish goals
Organizing: Arranging and structuring work to accomplish organizational g

Describe the factors that are reshaping and redefining the manager's job.

Increasing Importance of Customers
-reason that organization exists
-consistent high quality customer service
-doing things differently, exploring new territory and taking risks

From the skills approach -- what are the skills and where do these skills fit in the levels of management?

-Technical Skills- Knowledge and proficiency in a specific field
-Human Skills: Ability to work well with other people
-Conceptual Skills: Ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and complex

What do managers do in the Mintzberg Management roles approach?

-Interpersonal Roles: Figurehead, leader, liaison
-Informational roles: Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson
-Decisional roles: Disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator
-Interaction: with others, with the organization, with the external context

What is an organization?

-A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose

Characteristics of an organization

- Have distinct purpose
-Composed of people
-Have a deliberate structure

Define strategic management and explain why it's important

Strategic Management: is what managers do to develop the organizations strategies. It's important because the task involves all the basic management functions: PLANING, ORGANIZING, LEADING and CONTROLLING.

Three Reasons why Strategic Management is important

1. (most important) it can make a difference in how well an organization performs.
2. Managers of all types continually face changing situations. (they can cope with outside factors that may change business strategy)
3. Strategic management is because org

Explain what managers do during the six steps of the strategic management process.
Strategic Management Process: 6 step process that encompasses: strategy planning, implementation, and evaluation. First 4 involve planning, last two are implementation and

Step 1: Identifying the Organizations Current Mission, Goals and Strategies
Step 2: External Analysis - Opportunities/Threats?
Step 3: Internal Analysis - Strengths/Weaknesses?
SWOT analysis involves internal and external analyses
Step 4: Formulating Stra

Describe the three types of corporate strategies.

Corporate Strategies determine what business a company is in or wants to be in and what is wants to do with the business.
Growth Strategy: Expanding the number of markets served or products offered. Organizations grow by increasing revenues, number of emp

Describe competitive advantage and the strategies organizations use to get it.
Competitive Advantage: How a company will compete in its business, what sets an organization apart from others? How can an organization fixate a Distinctive Edge?

Cost Leadership Strategy: when an organization's competes on the basis of having the lowest costs ( costs and expenses, NOT price) ---Walmart is perfect example
Differentiation Strategy: competes by offering unique products that are widely valued by custo

Discuss current strategic management issues.

Managers face three current issues: Strategic Leadership, Strategic Flexibility, and important types of strategies for today's environment.
Strategic Leadership is the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work wi

What factors influence our perceptions?

Factors in the perceiver (attitudes, motives, interests, experience, expectations)
Factors in the target (Motion, sound, size, background, proximity)
Factors in the situation (Time, work setting social setting)

What is the attribution theory and its determinants?

Suggests that when we observe an individual's behavior, we attempt to determine whether it's internally or externally caused.
Internally- believe to be under personal control of the individual
Externally- Resulting from outside influences

What are the steps/process in the Rational Decision Making Model

1. Define the Problem 2. Identify the decision criteria 3. Allocate weights to the criteria 4. Develop the alternatives 5. Evaluate the alternatives 6. Select the best alternative

Describe the process that goes into "creative decision making.

The use of background knowledge, one's creative skills and individuals motivation towards a topic will ultimately result in the creativity of the end product. It's the combination of these three things that make up one's creativity decision making.

What is bounded rationality in decision making and how is it utilized?

Bounded rationality is the process of construction and simplifying management models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexities.

� Under what circumstances would you utilize intuitive decision making?

You must use intuitive decision making when trying to make a new management decision without much/any data, minimal past experience, often pressed with a time factor or component that requires the correct decision. (Note: High level of uncertainty due to

What are the different types of criteria used in ethical decision making?

Utilitarian- Provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people
Right focus- makes decisions consistent with the fundamental liberties and privileges
Justice focus- impose and enforce rules fairly impartially so that there is equal distribution o

Discuss what it means to be socially responsible and what factors influence that decision.

Socially responsibility is the idea that a company will go beyond making money to include protecting and improving society's overall welfare. Overall a company's ability to "Do the right thing".

Explain green management and how organizations can go green.

Green management is the organization's decisions and activities that overall impact or aid the environment. Can be both poorly managed or well managed as far as impacts on resources like water, air, soil, light, wastes. Overall it just takes simply being

Discuss the factors that lead to ethical and unethical behavior.

Ethics- principles, values, and beliefs that define what is right and wrong behavior for humans.
Factors- One's history/past environment? Individual Characteristics, Issue Intensity, Structure Variables, Organizational Culture ? Ethical or Unethical Behav

Describe management's role in encouraging ethical behavior.

Moral development and values and their interconnectivity to pre conventional, conventional and principled morals.

Discuss current social responsibility and ethics issues.

Globally there is no norm for ethics and social responsibility.
Ethics training, lead by example, establish codes of ethical behavior, hire individuals with high ethical standards.

In social responsibility what is the difference between the classical view and the socio-economic view?

Classic view- managers only responsibility is to maximize profits by operating the business in the most cost effective and efficient way possible to ensure the most return.
Socio-economic view- management that goes out of its way to while still making pro

In addition, please describe a firm's level of engagement starting with social obligation, responsiveness and responsibility

Social obligation- the obligation for a business to meet it's economic and legal obligations and nothing more.
Social responsiveness- When a firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social needs.
Social responsibility- A business intenti

Social responsiveness

When a firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social needs.

Social responsibility.

A business intention, beyond in legal and economic obligation to do the right thing and act in ways that benefit society.

According to the slides, what are the 4 levels (plus definitions) at which an organization can "go green?

Legal Approach- Firms simply do what is minimally required by law in order to continue their business.
Market approach- Firms respond to the preferences of their customers and purchase environmentally friendly products.
Stakeholder Approach- Firms work to

What are the stages of moral development and how would you define each stage?

Preconventional- 1. sticking to the rules to avoid physical punishment
2. Following rules only when doing so is in your immediate interest
Conventional- 1. Maintaining order by fulfilling obligations that you agreed to do.
2. Living up to what is expected