HR management

Job Analysis

Cornerstone of HRM, systematic process of determining the skills, duties and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization

Job Description

document providing information regarding the essential tasks, duties and responsibilities of a job

Job Specification

document outlining the minimum acceptable qualifications a person should possess to perform a particular job

steps in job analysis

1.identify job to be analyzed
2.decide on the best data collection method
3.collect data
4.analyze data
5.write job description/ specification job audit to sample/ validate findings
7.finalize job description/ specifications

Human Resource Planning

systematic process of matching the internal/external supply of people with job openings anticipated in the organization over a specified period of time

Requirements Forecast

determining the number, skill and location of employees in the organization will need at future dates in order to meet its goals

availability forecast

determining whether the firm will be able to secure employees with necessary skills, and from what sources

forecast HR requirements

consider current and future demand for organizations products/services

forecasting HR availability

where to get employees from?
Internal/external/ neither

Not enough workers

innovative recruiting, compensation incentives, training programs, different selection standards

too many workers

restricted hiring, reduced hours, early retirement, mandatory furloughs, downsizing


reverse of company growth, shrinking of organization in terms of structure and number of employees

issues to consider when downsizing

boost to bottom line, diminished survivor mode, uncertainty surrounding career advancement, reduced organization loyalty, loss of institutional memory, increased job stress, discrimination situations, outplacement services

succession planning

process of ensuring that qualified persons are available to assume key managerial positions once positions are vacant

succession planning goals

-ensure smooth transition
-minimize negative impact on organization

Internal Recruitment source

the organization itself, promotion from within, employee referrals

External Recruitment Source

highschools. vocational schools. military. colleges. former employees

traditional recruitment methods

media advertising. employment agencies. company recruiters. job fairs. executive search firms. open houses. internships

online recruitment methods pros

speed, ease, expanded talent pool, efficiency, cost-effective

online recruitment method cons

need for greater filtering, competition, confidentiality

ways organizations recruit online

-corporate career websites
-general purpose job boards
-niche sites
-social media

after hr planning

utilize contingent workers, outsource specific jobs or business functions, offshoring/ anchoring, make use of overtime, RECRUIT


process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and with the appropriate qualifications, to apply for jobs with an organization

Determine recruitment sources

Internal recruitment sources vs. external

common interview types

unstructured, structures, semi-structured, behavioral, situational

interview methods to choose from

one on one, group, board, multiple

organizational fit

degree to which people fit with a firms culture of value system

Things to consider in an interview

inappropriate questions, don't waste time with non job related information, premature judgements, interviewer domination, lack of training, nonverbal communication

background screening

important to get information about a potential employee from many sources, intensity of investigation depends on nature of job

reference checks

information from individuals who know the applicant, adds to and verifies information provided by applicant

negligent hiring

liability company insures when it fails to conduct a reasonable investigation of an applicants background, and then assigns a potentially dangerous person to a positions where he or she can inflict harm

negligent referral

liability former employers may incur when they fail to offer a warned about a particularly severe problem with a past employee

metrics used to measure effectiveness in recruiting

cost, selection rate, acceptance rate, yield rate


process of choosing from a group of applicants the best suited for a particular position in the organization

environmental factors that impact selection process

other hr functions, legal considerations, speed required, organizational hierarchy, organizational type

common application materials

employment application forms, resume, cover letters, references/ recommendation letters, preliminary screening

common selection tests

cognitive aptitude tests, physical abilities tests, job-knowledge tests, work sample tests, personality tests

selection tests need to consider

objectivity, reliability, validity