MGMT 355 Midterm NIU Spring2016 McCormick

Human Resources Management

principles, systems, and measurement used by line managers and HR professionals to execute organizational strategy

HRM practices consist of (8)

analysis and design, hr planning, recruiting, selection, training and development, compensation, performance management employee relations

HRM practices =

company performance

Standards for Ethical Practice

Greatest good for greatest number, respect for basic human rights, fair and equitable

Companies with effective HRM tend to be

more satisfied, innovative, greater productivity, favorable reputation in the community

Human Capital

an organization's employees described in terms of their TEJIRI


training, experience, judgement, intelligence, relationships, & insight

Work-force deficiencies

mathematical, verbal, impersonal, and computer skills

TQM (Total Quality Management)

a company wide effort to continuously improve the ways people, machines & systems work


complete review of the organization's major processes to make them more efficient and able to deliver high quality, including HRM


processing and transmission of digitalized HR info especially using computer network and internet


system which employees have online access to info about HR issues, enroll themselves in programs, and provide feedback through surveys

Nature of Employment relationship is changing because

organizations are requiring top performance and long work hours but cannot provide job security

Psychological contract

contrast with employment contract

Regulation of HRM

Executive > President = VP, Legislative > Congress > House = Senate, Judicial > Supreme Court

Disparate Treatment

different treatment of individuals based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sex, or disability

BFOQ (Bona Fide Occupational Qualification)

a necessary (not merely preferred) qualification for performing a job

Disparate Impact

condition which employment practices are seemingly neutral yet unfairly exclude a protected group employment opportunities

4/5s Rule

evidence of discrimination if an org's hiring rate for minority groups is less than 4/5s of the hiring rate

Reasonable Accommodation

an employer's obligation to do something to enable an otherwise qualified person to perform the job


authorizes federal government to establish and enforce occupational safety & healthy standards for workplaces engaging in interstate commerce

Most common workplace injury


Job Analysis

the process of getting detailed information about jobs

Job description

a list of the tasks, duties and responsibilities (TDRs) that a particular job entails

Job specification

a list of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that an individual must have to perform a particular job


useful when a typical job analysis cannot be conducted

Skill variety

the extent to which a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved

Task identity

the degree to which a job requires completing a whole of work from beginning to end

Task significance

the extent to which the job has an important impact on the lives of other people


the degree to which the job allows an individual to make decisions about the way the work will be carried out


the extent to which a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself

Job enlargement

broadening the types of tasks performed in a job

Job extension

enlarging jobs by combining several relatively simple a jobs to form a job with a wider range of tasks

Job rotation

enlarging jobs by moving employees among several different jobs

Job enrichment

empowering workers by adding more decision making authority to jobs

Leading indicators

objectives measures that accurately predict future labor demand

Core competency

a set of knowledge and skills that make the organization superior to competitors and create value for customers

Fair Labor Standards Act

federal law that establish a minimum wage and requirements for overtime and child labor

3 conditions required to be exempt

make more than 23,600, paid on salary and perform exempt job duties

Personnel Policies (4)

internal vs external recruiting, lead the market pay, employment at will policies, image advertising

Internal recruiting

organizations promote within and fill upper level vacancies by hiring internal employees

Lead the market

pay more than current market wages for job

Employment at Will

no specific employment contract, the employer/employee may end at any time regardless of reason

Due Process Policies

policies that formally lay out the steps an employee may take to appeal the employer's decision to terminate that employee

Image advertising

advertising designed to create a generally favorable impression of the organizations

Percent of external hires



determining the fit between you and a prospective job prior to determine where to apply


the practice of hiring relatives

Realistic Job Preview

background info about a job's positive and negative qualities

Criteria for measuring effectiveness (5)

reliable valid, generalized, utility, legal


extent to which a measurement is free from random error


extent to which performance on a measure is related to what the measure is designed to access

Criterion-Related Validity

based on showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores

Predictive Validation (Criterion-Related)

research that uses the test scores of all applicants and looks for a relationship between the scores and future performance

Concurrent Validation (Criterion-Related)

research that consists of administering a test to people who currently hold a job, then comparing their score to existing measures of job performance

Content Validity

consistency between the test items or problems and the kinds of situation or ruble's that occur on the job

Construct Validity

consistency between a high score on a test and high level of a construct such as intelligence or leadership ability


valid in other contexts beyond the context in which the selection method was developed


extent to which something provides economic value greater than its cost


US requires no discrimination and access to employees with disabilities

Permissible questions

If hired, Can you show proof of age?

Impermissible questions

How old are you?

5 Major personality traits

extroversion, adjustment, agreeableness, conscientiousness, inquisitiveness

6th personal trait

honestly humility

T/F Credit checks are not legal in IL


Employers can not have your profession social media passwords


Aptitude Test (employment test)

access how well a person can learn or acquire skills and abilities

Achievement Test (employment test)

measure a person's existing knowledge and skills

What percent of companies drug test?


Rules of drug testing

test all applicants of the same job, if job involves safety hazards, send a report, confidential

Multiple-Hurdle Model

process of arriving at a decision by eliminating some candidates at each stage of selection process

Compensatory Model

process of arriving at a selection decision in which a very high score on one type of assessment can make up for a low score on another

Instructional design

a process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs

Stages of instructional design (5)

Assess for training, ensure readiness for training, plan training program, implement training program, evaluate results of training

Transfer of training

on the job use of knowledge, skills and behavior learned in training

Instructor led classroom percentage


Blended percent


Online percent




Social Network


Measures of training (5)

trainee satisfaction, return on investment, performance improvement, new skills and knowledge, transfer of training

Orientation Training

training designed to prepare employees to perform their job effectively, learn about their org and establish work relationships

Diversity Training

training designed to change employees attitudes about diversity and/or develop skills needed to work with diverse workforce