Columbia City FFA Novice Parli

After the motion is adopted the presiding officer should...

Ask for debate on that motion

A motion becomes pending when...

The presiding officer restates the motion

If 40 votes are cast what is a majority?


All main motions begin with what phrase?

I move that...

If you need to gather more information before voting what motion would you use?

Refer to a committee

How many gavel taps to bring a meeting to order?


Can you amend Previous Question?


Which motion is to postpone get rid of the motion for the duration of the meeting?

Postpone Indefinitely

One feature of Main Motions is that they...

Bring business before the assembly

Before members can debate they must...

Rise and address the chair

What is the highest ranked privilege motion?


To make a second you...

simply say "second" after the motion is made.

A Parliamentary Inquiry is directed to whom?

The president

Is Previous Question amendable or debatable?


When a motion is postponed while a motion to Amend is pending the amendment is...

Also postponed

If the motion to postponed indefinitely is made after Refer to a Committee the chair should...

Declare the motion out of order

May a member opposed to a motion second it?


After a motion is made and seconded the chair should...

Repeat the motion and open the floor for discussion

How many times can a motion be amended?


Germane means what?

it must directly relate to the Main Motion

The member that makes the motion gets to debate when?


An Amendment to a primary amendment is a...

Secondary Amendment

What is Division of Assembly trying to do?

Get an accurate count of votes.

How many taps to announce the vote?


To be in order an amendment must be what?

Germane ( relevant to the main motion)

If the Main Motion and Postpone Indefinitely are pending the first vote is taken on?

Postpone Indefinitely

The minutes should contain a record of...

What was done at the meeting

Give an example of what a Question of Privilege might be.

Can I take my Jacket off?

What is a short intermission in a meeting called?


Previous Question needs what kind of vote?


After a member makes a point of order the chair should...

Try to make a ruling or fix the infraction

You can call Division of Assembly from the time that the vocal vote is taken to when?

The chair announces the vote

If there is a tie vote and the chair is abstaining (choosing not to vote) from voting what happens to the motion?


If Previous Question is called on an Amendment the chair should...

Call for a vote on the Amendment

What is the purpose of Parliamentary Procedure?

To provide order and uphold the rule of the majority, and protect the rights of the minority.

Any motion that limits the rights of members requires what type of vote?


To present a motion the floor member must first...

Obtain the floor

What is the vote to pass an Amendment?

Majority Vote

What is a motion that is not debatable but IS amendable?


Division of Assembly does not require what?

A Second

The maker of a motion has the right to withdraw the motion until...

The chair states the question

If the vote is tied after a (standing) vote what happens?

The chair casts the deciding vote

Is a Main Motion amendable?


What should a chair do about debate?

Alternate between floor members favoring and opposing the motion.

The motion adjourn means to:

End the meeting

Is the motion to recess debatable or ammendable?

Only Ammendable

What vote does point of order require?

No vote

What does the motion previous question hope to accomplish?

Ending debate on a particular motion.

Postpone Indefinitely delays a motion to a particular time. How long can this be delayed?

No longer than 3 months

When we refer a motion to a committee, what do we say?

I move to refer this motion to a committee of 3 appointed by the chair with the power to act