Greenhand Conduct of Meetings 2

Writes articles for the paper


Takes care of dues


In charge of POA

Vice President

Presides over meetings


Gives guidance and advice


Keeps track of paraphernalia


Representative for group


Keeps up with correspondence


Welcomes guests


Takes minutes


Presides over meetings in absence of President

Vice President

Keeps budget


Trains CDE teams


Know Parliamentary Procedure


Files committee reports


Gives out membership cards


Understand state and national FFA


Have possession of constitution


Chair of public relations


Building school and community support for agricultural program


In charge of preparing agenda


Represents chapter in public relations and official functions


Memorize official ceremonies


What does one tap of the gavel mean?

Sit for opening and closing ceremonies, Meeting adjourned, motion carried or failed

What do two taps of the gavel mean?

Start meeting

What do three taps of the gavel mean?

Stand for opening and closing ceremonies

4 methods of voting

1. Hand (Standing) 2. Voice 3. Secret ballot 4. Roll call

4 Components of refer to committee

1. How many on committee 2. How selected 3. When to report back 4. Action to be taken

When can the president vote?

To make or break a tie

List the 4 purposes of parliamentary procedure

1. Provide organization for meetings
2. Protect the rule of the majority
3. Protect the rights of the Minority
4. One person speaks at a time

What is the paraphernalia for the President?

Rising sun

What is the paraphernalia for the Vice President?


What is the paraphernalia for the Secretary?

Ear of corn

What is the paraphernalia for the Treasurer?

Bust of George Washington

What is the paraphernalia for the Reporter?

American Flag

What is the paraphernalia for the Sentinel?

Shaking hands

What is the paraphernalia for the Advisor?


Is previous question allowed in committees?


How long can you debate a main motion?

Twice for up to 10 minutes each

Can a chairperson that notices a breach of the rules call a point of order?


If chairmen appoints a committee who selects the committee's chair?

Chair selects the chair

If the chair doesn't select the chair then who becomes the chair?

First person named is chair

Recommended forms of voting when a motion requires a 2/3's vote


What are the two types of committees?

1. Standing 2. Special

May a member move to close debate by calling out question?


Can a parliamentarian rule on a point of order?

No, only the president can. A parliamentarian may only give advice

Who rules on a point of order?


What motion does a main motion take precedence over?


What are the 3 divisions of a chapter POA?

Student, Chapter, Community

Is it in order for a main motion to be prefaced by a few words of explanation?


When is it too late to call for a division of assembly?

When a new motion has been made

When can a division of the assembly be made?

after the announcement of the vote and before the next motion is stated

If 25 members at a meeting cast a vote on the motion to lay on the table what would the minimum number that would have to vote in the affirmative to adopt it?

13 members

Name 2 of the 3 medals that can be worn on the FFA jacket

Highest degree earned, highest office held, highest award earned

Can you end debate with the previous question?


Purpose of main motion

To bring business before the assembly

Purpose of division of assembly

To call for a standing vote when the voice vote was possibly wrong

Purpose of point of order

To point out a mistake made during parliamentary procedure

Purpose of lay on the table

To delay action on a motion

Purpose of refer to committee

To place a small group in charge of an activity

Purpose of suspend the rules

to break the standing rules of the group

Purpose of previous question

To end debate on a motion

Purpose of parliamentary inquiry

To ask a question about parliamentary procedure

What method of voting does Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised recommend on motions requiring a two-thirds vote?

Rising vote

Which chapter officer is in charge of building school and community support for the agricultural program?


List two reasons why parliamentary Procedure should be used to conduct effective meetings

Any two of these:
To ensure that
a- One item is addressed at a time
b- Courtesy is extended to everyone
c- The majority rules
d- The rights of the minority are protected

What does POA stand for?

Program of Activities

As the presiding officer why would you use a series of sharp taps of your gavel?

To restore order when Ben is out of order at a meeting or to get the groups attention.

When must a Point of Order be made?

Promptly at the time the breach of order occurs.

Which chapter officer is always located on the president's immediate left?
