2101 final

What is Vmock

Resume developement tool

What is career leader?

Self assessment test, designed by Harvard MBAs

What is Focus 2?

Self assessment, no quite as deep

What is Tradify?

Self assessment with pictures, quick 90 seconds

What is handshake?

Centralized career platform

What is career shift?

Search engine. Gives you contacts of Baylor alumni

What are the 3 whys?

1. Why are you the perfect fit?
2. Why did you choose this company?
3. Why did you choose this industry?

What is linked in?

Professional social media platform

What is important to have on your LinkedIn?

Great and accurate profile

What is gap analysis?

The gap between your interest and skills

How do you answer behavioral interview questions?

STAR (situation, task, action, results)

Professional conduct in the workplace

Leadership, integrity, work ethic

what is the purpose of your resume?

to get you an interview

what makes up your brand?

LinkedIn, Perceptions, resume

what really matters about your brand?

what others think about you

what is the greatest obstacle to your career goals?

you and your attitude

what system helps you be a better fit with your resume?

Job Scan

What is the most important thing you can do for an interview?


One thing that often prevents someone from realizing their career potential


what are the two components of fear

fear of failure and fear of the unknown

definition of success

reaching your full potential

What is the airplane test? is it important to pass?

if you are someone who you would or wouldnt want to sit by

what is a good indicator of the future?

your pass performance

T/F: having a "can do" attitude is a good thing


T/F: "whats in it for me" personality is desirable


T/F: We are all uniquely shaped by our experiences


T/F: everyone is equally qualified


T/F: reaching out to an alum through email for the first time and send resume is a good thing

false, never send your resume int he first email but ask about their background experience

What are the 7 basic career processes?

1. Understand your interests, motivation, what drives and interest you
2. Target career areas of interest through research
3.prepare and effective resume and establish your professional brand
4. Have a strategy for your job or internship search