Catching Fire Vocabulary All Words

mutually (adv.)

in a shared manner; equal; affecting all parties the same way.

flaw (noun)

A defect, fault, or imperfection, especially one that is hidden.

pristine (adj.)

fresh, clean, and unspoiled.

instinct (noun)

something you just know or sense.

scarce (adj.)

not common; rarely seen; hard to find.

instigator (noun)

one who agitates, provokes, urges, encourages or starts.

alibi (noun)

An explanation offered to avoid blame or justify action; an excuse.

odious (adj.)

something that is extremely unpleasant or hated.

confidant (noun)

a friend who you can trust, who you tell secrets.

baffled (adj.)

Confused by something, and/or not sure what is going on.

obligated (adj.)

Owing something, such as gratitude or appreciation, to another.

drastic (adj.)

extreme or forceful; severe

consume (verb)

To eat or drink.

vie (verb)

In competition or rivalry with another.

irritable (adj.)

Easily annoyed; impatience or angry.

pure (adj.)

A person who has no sins or who is wholesome.

reliant (adj.)

Needing someone or something for help or support.

envy (noun)

The feeling of wanting to have what someone else has.

unanimous (adj.)

A situation where all parties involved are fully in agreement.

unity (noun)

To put or join together; to make as one.

bearings (noun)

Comprehension of one's situation.

flawless (adj.)

Perfect, without mistakes, weaknesses, imperfections or shortcomings.

truce (noun)

An agreement between opponents or enemies to temporarily stop fighting.

futile (adj.)

Something that won't succeed or is unimportant.

leery (adj.)

someone or something expressing caution and suspicion.

flee (verb)

to run away from someone or something to get away from something unpleasant.

ominous (adj.)

something that suggests bad things will happen soon.

vain (adj.)

having or showing excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments.

deranged (verb)

to make insane; drive mad.

decipher (verb)

to decode or work out a hidden meaning.

loathe (verb)

to intensely dislike someone or something.

resemble (verb)

to look like something or someone else.

executed (verb)

a person put to death.

resented (verb)

to feel hurt or offended by something or someone.

deception (noun)

an untrue falsehood, or the act of lying to or tricking someone.

vengeance (noun)

something done in revenge.

predicament (noun)

a difficult or unpleasant situation.

unison (noun)

happening in the same way, at the same time.

lunatic (noun)

an insane person.

jeopardy (noun)

in danger or at risk.

punctuality (noun)

being on time or not late; prompt.

uprising (noun)

the action of standing up to authority or government.