ART 1 B Quiz 1

Name: Sainte-Chapelle
Location: Paris, France
Medium: Architecture
Style: French Gothic

Title: Queen Blanche of Castile and Louis IX
Book: St. Louis Bible
Medium: Illuminated manuscript
Style: French Gothic

Title: Virgin and Child of Jeanne d'Evreux
Medium: gilded silver sculpture
Style: French Gothic

Artist: Coppo di Marcovaldo
Title: Crucifix
Medium: tempera and gold on wood
Style Italo-Byzantine

Artist: Cimabue
Title: Crucifix
Medium: tempera and gold on wood
Style: Italo-Byzantine

Ours is a lot more faded.

Artist: Cimabue
Title: Madonna and Child Enthroned
Medium: gold and tempera on wood
Style: Italo-Byzantine

Artist: Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Title: The Allegory of Good Government
Location: Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy
Medium: fresco
Style: Early Italian Renaissance

Artist: Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Title: THe Effect of the Good Government on the City and Country
Location: Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy
Medium: fresco
Style: Early Italian Renaissance

Artist: Giotto
Title: Ognissanti Madonna
Medium: tempera and gold on wood
Style: Early Italian Renaissance

Artist: Giotto
Name: Arena Chapel
Location: Padua, Italy
Medium: fresco
Style: Early Italian Renaissance

Artist: Giotto
Title: Crucifixion
Location: Area Chapel. Padua, Italy
Medium: fresco
Style: Early Italian Renaissance

Artist: Giotto
Title: Last Judgement
Location: Arena Chapel, Padua, Italy
Medium: fresco
Style Early Italian Renaissance

Artist: Mechior Broederlam
Title: Scenes from the Birth and Infancy of Christ
Medium: tempera on wood
Style: International Gothic Style


Artist: The Limbourg Brothers
Title: January
Book: Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry
Medium: Illuminated manuscript
Style: International Gothic Style

Artist: The Limbourg Brothers
Title: February
Book: Tres Riches Heures de Duc de Berry
Medium: Illuminated manuscript
Style International Gothic style

What you see in the art


The reason why the art was made and how it can help explain what is going on during this period.


size, medium, color, line, lighting, texture, space, composition

Formal Qualities

The human body


Materials that are used in the work of art


A statue you can physically walk around

Sculpture in the Round

Three dimensional image or design whose flat background surface is carved away to a certain depth

Relief Sculpture

modeling in light and dark in painting, drawing, or print. Creates depth and volumetric forms.


Arrangement of visual elements in the work of art


To invoke emotions rather than reality




To imitate the appearance of nature


The perfect looking way


Person that commissions the artwork


Painting on parchment used on hand writing books. Done in rich colors and gold

Illuminated manuscript

12th and 13th century. Architecture liked to use pointed arches and stained glass to let the light into the Church.


Items that are or belong to holy people


Element of Gothic architecture that allows the building to be taller

Pointed arches

a projecting support of stone or brick built against a wall


Re enforcement to help distribute the weight of the high ceiling


To cover thinly with gold leaf or gold paint


Most figures are central and floating and thin and long. use of gold in the background, S-Shaped


A work of art on or above the alter. ie the Crucifix


a painting on a wet plaster wall


An image that symbolically illustrates an idea or concept


The bigger the more important the person is

Hierarchic Scaling

More naturalistic art, More art that takes place on earth, instead of in heaven, Rebirth of classical (Greco-Roman) artistic idea
