A & P Chap 27 notes


How much of the total volume of body fluid is intracellular fluid?

Interstitial fluid

80% of the extracellular fluid is


This is the largest single component of the human body.

Metabolic water

This is produced when electrons are accepted by oxygen during cellular respiration.


This occurs when water loss is greater than water gain.

Increased vasoconstriction

The response of the body to decreasing blood pressure will NOT cause which of the following?

Urinary salt loss

This is the main factor that determines body fluid volume.


Which of the following is used to promote Na reabsorption by the kidneys?

Antidiuretic hormone

Which of the following is used to promote water reabsorption by the kidneys?

None of the above


Increased Calcium reabsorption

A decline in angiotensin II levels does NOT result in


The major hormone that regulates water loss is

Dilute body fluids and a decrease in the osmolarity of interstitial fluids

Water intoxication results from

All of the above

Which of the following is a function of an electrolyte in the body?


In extracellular fluid the most abundant cation is a)Na+, b)CL-, c) K+, d) HPO42-, e) HCO2-


In extracellular fluid the most abundant anion is: a)Na+, b)CL-, c) K+, d) HPO42-, e) HCO2-


In intracellular fluid the most abundant cation is: a)Na+, b)CL-, c) K+, d) HPO42-, e) HCO2-


In intracellular fluid the most abundant anion is: a)Na+, b)CL-, c) K+, d) HPO42-, e) HCO2-


The Na+ level in blood is controlled by

Chloride shift

This occurs between RBC and blood plasma as the blood level of carbon dioxide increases or decreases.


This is the most abundant mineral in the body.

The main regulators of calcium in the blood

PTH, calcitriol and calcitonin are

Calcium phosphate salt

Most of the phosphate in a body is present as

Ways of controlling H+ levels in the body

Buffer systems, exhaling carbon dioxide and excretion by the kidneys are all

Nonvolatile acids

Metabolic reactions can produce


This is a condition where blood pH is below 7.35

systemic arterial blood is still lower than 7.35

In partial compensation

Blood pH to drop

Inadequate exhalation of carbon dioxide can cause

Metabolic acidosis

This imbalance results when systemic arterial blood HCO3- levels drop significantly (below 22 mEq/liter)

Respiratory acidosis

This imbalance results when systemic arterial blood CO2 levels raise to abnormal values.


This is the most common cause of metabolic alkalosis.

7 times higher

The rate of fluid intake and outtake is how much higher in an infant than in an adult?

Causes greater water loss from the lungs

The breathing rate of an infant