Chapter 8: Oral Embryology and Histology

name the first period of prenatal development

preimplantation period

what period of prenatal development is the most critical

embryonic period

the embryonic layer that differentiates into cartilage, bones, and muscles is


which brachial arch forms the bones, muscles, and nerves of the face and lower lip


what brachial arch forms the side and front of the neck


the hard and soft palates are formed by the union of the primary and secondary ...


when does the development of the human face occur

fifth to eighth weeks

at birth, how many teeth are in some stage of development


what factors can have a prenatal influence on dental development

genetic and environmental

name the process for the laying down or adding of bone


name the process of bone loss or removal


growth, calcification, and ___ are the three primary periods in tooth formation


the final stage in the growth period is the


what is formed in the occlusal surface when multiple cusps join together

fissure and put

what is the name of the process by which teeth move into a functional position in the oral cavity


the portion of a tooth that is visible in the mouth is

clinical crown

the cemento enamel junction is located

between the cementum and the enamel

the hardest substance in the human body is


what is the name of the largest mineral component in enamel


pain is transmitted through dentin by way of

dentinal tubules

the type of dentin that is also known as reparative dentin is

tertiary dentin

the pulp is made up of

blood vessels and nerves

what types of cells form the inter-cellular substance of the pulp


the primary function of the periodontal ligament is

to support the tooth, to maintain the tooth, and to retain the tooth

which type of oral mucosa forms the inside of the cheeks, lips, and soft palate

lining mucosa