Gun Control and the Constitution: Should We Amend the Second Amendment?

dead on arrival (DOA)

figuratively for a hopeless situation or something doomed from the start.

regulate (v)
part of speech: regulative, regulatory (adj), regulatively (adv), antiregulatory (adj), misregulate (v), misregulated, misregulating (adj)

to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.
Syn: rule, govern, manage, order, adjust, arrange, dispose, conduct.

amend (v)
part of speech: amendable (adj), amender (n), nonamendable (adj), reamend (v)

to change in a formal way; to change for the better

vast (adj)
part of speech: vastly (adv), vastness (n), supervast (adj), supervastly (adv)

Enormous, Immense
Syn: measureless, boundless, gigantic, colossal, stupendous.
Ant: small

strike down

to rule in court that a law is invalid and no longer in effect
Syn: overrule, disallow, invalidate

lobby (n., v.)
part of speech: lobbyer (n), unlobbied (adj), unlobbying (adj)

to solicit or try to influence the votes of members of a legislative body.
Syn: solicit, persuade, campaign for

infringe (v)
part of speech: infringer (n), uninfringed (adj)

to act in a way that is against a law or that limits someone's rights or freedom
Syn: break, disobey.

firearms (n)
Part of speech: firearmed (adj)

A portable weapon that fires ammunition such as a pistol or rifle

impose (v)
part of speech: imposable (adj), imposer (n), overimpose, preimpose (v - used with object)

to force someone to accept or put up with; to take unfair advantage of; impressive
Syn: force, foist.

preclude (v)
part of speech: precludable (adj), preclusion (n), preclusive (adj), preclusively (adv)

(v.) to make impossible, prevent, shut out
syn: hinder, check, stop, forestall; eliminate.
ant: help, promote, facilitate

slaughter (n,v)
part of speech: slaughterer (n), slaughteringly (adv), unslaughtered (adj)

the killing of large numbers of people (animals)
Syn: murder

dissent (v, n)
part of speech: dissentingly (adv), nondissenting (adj, n), undissenting (adj)

(of a judge) to offer a legal opinion in a court that differs from the opinion of most of the other judges of the court
Syn: disagreement, dissatisfaction, opposition.